Getting Started

Welcome to CallRail API v3

Welcome to the documentation for v3 of the CallRail API.

CallRail helps data-driven marketers measure the performance of their campaigns by providing multi-channel call attribution. These call analytics give users the insight they need to optimize their advertising campaigns, increase sales effectiveness, and improve customer retention.

The CallRail REST API provides a method to programmatically access and modify the data within your CallRail account. It is intended for developers and customers looking to integrate custom software directly with CallRail. Getting started is simple, and with this guide you can make your first API request in a matter of minutes!


CallRail has its own nomenclature that is used to describe our call tracking technology. This section is a brief glossary of terms that are useful in understanding our platform. For a more thorough overview of CallRail, check out the articles in the Getting Started section of our support site.

Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) - CallRail can dynamically change the telephone number your website visitors see based on how they came to the site. When a visitor navigates to your website through one of the sources you’re tracking, CallRail’s JavaScript will detect the phone numbers on your web page and swap them with the correct tracking number. We’ll then store the visitor’s source in a cookie so they’ll continue to see the same tracking number each time they return to your website (unless our JavaScript is removed).

Source Tracker - Source trackers associate a single tracking number to a certain set of your customers based on how they found the number. For example, a single source tracker might be used to identify website visitors who came from, who found your site from a paid Google search, or via an offline source such as a billboard or TV advertisement.

Keyword (Session) Tracker - Session trackers serve one number from a pool of tracking numbers to website visitors, allowing you to associate calls to individual visitors. You can also see the keywords they searched for before arriving via search engine, as well as their browsing history on your site.

Destination Number - The destination number is where the phone will ring when customers dial your tracking number. This is typically your primary business phone number.

Tracker - This is a generic term applied to any source tracker or keyword pool.

Swap Target - The swap target is the telephone number CallRail looks for on your website to dynamically replace with a tracking number. By default, the swap target is the destination number, but you can specify a different swap target for each tracker on the number configuration page.

Source Type - The online or offline source the tracking number(s) is configured to track. Our company-specific dynamic number insertion script displays tracking numbers based on the source type of the tracker in question.


CallRail uses API keys to authenticate and authorize requests being made to the API. These API keys are scoped to individual users, and have access to the same data as the user who created the key. API responses will only include data pertaining to the user’s API key. For example, a request to retrieve a list of tracked phone calls will only return calls the user could see in CallRail’s interface. Calls placed to accounts or companies where the user has no access will not be returned. Similarly, anyone who has your API key can use that key to access or modify any data you have control over.

The CallRail API authenticates via the HTTP Authorization header: Authorization: Token token="YOUR_API_KEY". All requests to all API endpoints require an API key to be provided.

Identifying your integration

If you’re a third-party platform using our API to offer an integration between your system and CallRail, we recommend that you identify yourself using a special HTTP header in your requests.

The Header name is Request-From, and it should be in JSON format. The standard convention is to send your lowercased software name, with an underscore in place of any spaces, for ex: Request-From: hanks_hotdogs

If you’re a CallRail customer using the API to consume your own data for custom integrations and/or reporting, you do not need to supply this header. It is specifically for third-party integrations.


The CallRail API adheres to REST architectural principles. REST (Representational State Transfer) takes advantage of HTTP methods to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) resources on cloud applications like CallRail.

The CallRail API sends and receives data in JSON format. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is completely language independent and uses human-readable text to send data objects consisting of key-value pairs.

Supported HTTP Methods

HTTP Method Description
GET Requests data from a target resource. Requests using GET always retrieve data.
POST Submits data to create a resource. Requests using POST always create data.
PUT Submits data to update a target resource. Requests using PUT always update data.
DELETE Deletes the target resource. Requests using DELETE always delete data.

Each API endpoint in this guide is documented with the correct HTTP method, endpoint URL, end-point specific request parameters, and sample requests and responses. Additional tables that describe the response in detail are also provided.

Additional Resources

Offset Pagination

A paginated JSON response using offset pagination will include these fields in the response metadata:

  "page": 3,
  "per_page": 25,
  "total_pages": 5,
  "total_records": 111

All requests to the CallRail API that return more than one object will be paginated. For requests to the Listing All Calls endpoint, we recommend using Relative Pagination. For all other endpoints, you can paginate through results with the following attributes:

Pagination Parameters

Name Type Required? Description
page integer optional Page number that should be returned for this request (The first page is 1. If no page number is specified the first page will be returned.)
per_page integer optional How many objects to return per page to return (The default is 100. Most endpoints support a maximum of 250.)

Example Queries That Include Pagination Parameters

Specifying a Page:

This request will return page 3 from the Users index endpoint.

Specifying the Number of Records Per Page:

This request will return 25 objects per page from the Users index endpoint.

Paginated Response Fields

The fields listed below will be included in the paginated JSON response for endpoints that return a collection of objects.

Field Description
page The page returned in this response.
per_page The number of records being returned per page.
total_pages The total number of pages that fit your query parameters.
total_records The total number of objects that fit your query parameters.

Relative Pagination

A paginated JSON response using relative pagination will include these fields in the response metadata:

  "next_page": "",
  "has_next_page": true

All requests to the CallRail API that return more than one object will be paginated. When calling the Listing All Calls endpoint for larger data sets, we recommend the use of relative pagination for better performance. Relative pagination separates the results of your query across multiple pages, without explicitly defining the number of pages in the response or numbering individual pages. Instead, relative pagination provides the endpoint to query the next page of results, and a has_next_page parameter to indicate when you’ve reached the final page of results for your query.

Note that with relative pagination, there is a small possibility that page n+1 might not start exactly at the end of page n, if a new call occurs before page n+1 is fetched.

You should not attempt to use a mix of relative and offset pagination across requests for the same dataset. Use a consistent pagination method to fetch all results for your query.

You can use relative pagination by specifying the following attributes:

Relative Pagination Parameters

Name Type Required? Description
relative_pagination boolean optional Enables the use of relative pagination. A value of true enables relative pagination. A value of false disables relative pagination (and enables Offset Pagination). The default value is false.
per_page integer optional How many objects to return per page to return (The default is 100. The Listing All Calls endpoint supports a maximum of 250.)
offset integer optional Allows you to navigate directly to a specific page of results. With relative pagination, the first page is offset=0 so to navigate to the 10th page of results, you would specify offset=9.

Note that Relative Pagination is currently only supported on the Listing All Calls endpoint. All other endpoints must use Offset Pagination.

Relative Pagination Metadata

Name Type Description
next_page string Returns the URL for the next page of results. Use this value to call the endpoint for the next page of results. Do not modify the URL value.
has_next_page boolean Indicates if there is at least 1 more page of results. When you’ve reached the last page of results, the value will be false.

Example Queries That Include Pagination Parameters

Specifying a Page:

This request will return page 5 from the Calls index endpoint.

Specifying the Number of Records Per Page:

This request will return 25 objects per page from the Calls index endpoint.


A sorted JSON response might look like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 3,
  "users": [
      "email": "",
      "id": 223166018,
      "created_at": "2016-01-29T12:43:10.286-05:00",
      "role": "admin",
      "first_name": "Bob",
      "last_name": "Belcher",
      "name": "Bob Belcher"
      "email": "",
      "id": 159539165,
      "created_at": "2016-04-08T10:55:38.632-04:00",
      "role": "manager",
      "first_name": "Linda",
      "last_name": "Belcher",
      "name": "Linda Belcher"
      "email": "",
      "id": 330833311,
      "created_at": "2015-03-03T12:15:22.954-05:00",
      "role": "reporting",
      "first_name": "Teddy",
      "last_name": "Francisco",
      "name": "Teddy Francisco"

Most endpoints that return a list of objects also support sorting. Depending on the endpoint, you will find various fields enabled for sorting. Sorting is always either alphabetical, or reverse chronological (newest first).

Name Type Required? Description
sort text optional The field by which the returned response will be sorted by. Refer to individual endpoints to determine acceptable sorting fields.
order text optional The order of the returned sort field. If provided, sort is required. Value can be one of asc or desc.

Example Query That Includes The Sorting Parameter

Sorting the Results: Users Index Endpoint

Will return a list of user objects for the target account, sorted by email address in alphabetical order.

Ordering: Users Index Endpoint

Will return a list of user objects for the target account, sorted by email address in reverse alphabetical order.

Field Selection

A JSON response which returns user-selected fields might look like this:

    "answered": false,
    "business_phone_number": null,
    "customer_city": "Seattle",
    "customer_country": "US",
    "customer_name": "Jovani Osinski",
    "customer_phone_number": "+15896836609",
    "customer_state": "WA",
    "direction": "inbound",
    "duration": null,
    "id": 444941612,
    "recording": "",
    "recording_duration": null,
    "start_time": "2017-06-04T13:36:24.000Z",
    "tracking_phone_number": "+14045555466",
    "voicemail": true,
    "company_id": "COM37221d54e80c4216898d2f857fc69fa0",
    "company_name": "Grand Symphony Resort"

Field selection allows for control of the fields included in a response. Field selection is available for endpoints that return a list of objects and endpoints that return a single object. Depending on the endpoint, additional fields can be included with the default response fields. Each endpoint will describe the possible fields for selection.

Name Type Required? Description
fields text optional Specified field(s) that will be returned in the response. Requested field names are are separated by commas.

Example Query That Includes Additional User Requested Fields

Selecting Specific Fields: Calls Show Endpoint

Will return the additional user requested fields for the target call.


  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 1,
  "companies": [
      "id": 196207137,
      "name": "Bob's Burgers",
      "status": "disabled",
      "created_at": "2016-02-23T20:16:38.389Z",
      "disabled_at": "2016-04-13T15:35:29.040Z"
      "id": 635837866,
      "name": "Falafel on a Waffle",
      "status": "disabled",
      "created_at": "2017-02-13T15:10:42.742Z",
      "disabled_at": "2017-02-13T15:39:23.149Z"
      "id": 289003184,
      "name": "Jimmy Pesto's Pizzeria",
      "status": "disabled",
      "created_at": "2015-11-24T17:51:34.908Z",
      "disabled_at": "2015-11-24T17:51:55.133Z"

Filtering allows the list of objects returned for a specific endpoint to be filtered by specific parameters. Filtering is available for many endpoints that return a list of objects. Each endpoint that supports filtering will describe the possible filters.

Name Type Required? Description
parameter text optional The field by which the returned response will be filtered.

Example Query That Includes The Filtering Parameter

Filter the Response: Companies Index Endpoint

Will return a list of company objects in the target account, where the companies are disabled companies.

Filtering Data by Date

Please note that according to our Data Retention Policy, Communication Records (which include phone calls, call recordings, text messages, chat logs, form submissions, web visitor sessions, and other types of data) are retained for 25 months, after which they are automatically deleted.

If you make a request to an endpoint for Communication Records that are outside of the retention period, you will receive an error directing you to revise your date range. This includes requests using the all_time date parameter.

The CallRail API accepts date filters in one of two formats: either a standardized date range, or specific start and end dates. In addition, a time zone can be specified to align dates as expected. The following endpoints accept these parameters:

Filtering by Standard Date Range

To choose a standardized date range (such as those seen in the CallRail UI), provide a date_range parameter. This is the default for API requests that don’t specify date parameters. Date interpretation according to the table below will be done according to the specified or default time zone.

ex. date_range=recent

Value Description
recent default Select data from the prior 30 days, including the current date.*
today Select data from today only
yesterday Select data from yesterday only
last_7_days Select data from the previous 7 days, not including the current date
last_30_days Select data from the previous 30 days, not including the current date
this_month Select data from the current month, including the current date
last_month Select data from the previous month
this_year Select data from the this year up to and including the current date
last_year Select data from last year
all_time Select all data, including the current date

*recent is the default view in the CallRail UI, and is the API default when no other date range parameters are specified.

Filtering by Specific Dates

To select data from a specific date range, provide the start_date and end_date parameters with the request. These parameters should be formatted according to ISO 8601. (ex. “2016-10-17”) Specific times of day are also acceptable in ISO 8601 format. (ex. “2015-09-05T14:00”)

Dates and times provided in this manner are inclusive. For example, listing all calls with start_date=2016-10-17 will be interpreted as beginning at midnight on that date, so all calls that occurred on that date will be included. Specifying end_date=2016-10-17 will be interpreted as calls up to 11:59:59pm on that date. To obtain all calls on a specific date, specify the same date for both start_date and end_date.

Date interpretation will be done according to the specified or default time zone.

ex. start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-10-17

Parameter Description
start_date Provide data starting from provided date and time.
ex: “2015-09-05” for all calls after and including September 9, 2015
ex: “2015-09-05T10:00” for all calls after 10 AM September 5, 2015
end_date Provide data before provided date and time.
ex: “2015-10-05” for all calls before and including October 9, 2015
ex: “2015-09-05T10:00” for all calls before 10 AM September 5, 2015


A JSON response based on a user-specified search term might look like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 2,
  "users": [
      "email": "",
      "id": 223166018,
      "created_at": "2016-01-29T12:43:10.286-05:00",
      "role": "admin",
      "first_name": "Bob",
      "last_name": "Belcher",
      "name": "Bob Belcher"
      "email": "",
      "id": 159539165,
      "created_at": "2016-04-08T10:55:38.632-04:00",
      "role": "manager",
      "first_name": "Linda",
      "last_name": "Belcher",
      "name": "Linda Belcher"

Searching is available for many collection endpoints that return a list of objects. Depending on the endpoint, various parameters will be enabled for searching.

Name Type Required? Description
search text optional Results returned will include only objects that match the search term. Multiple search terms are not supported.

Example Query That Searches The Endpoint

Searching for Records: Users Index Endpoint

Will return a list of user objects in the target account that match the name given.

Time Zones

The CallRail API aligns all dates to the time zone specified within the account. This can be overridden for specified API requests by including a time_zone parameter. This parameter accepts any standard time zone from the list of common names below.

ex. time_zone=America/New_York

Value Description
user default
Use the default time zone for the user indicated by the current API key. This setting is configured within the application.
America/New_York Eastern Time Zone
America/Indiana/Indianapolis Indiana Time Zone
America/Chicago Central Time Zone
America/Denver Mountain Time Zone
America/Phoenix Arizona Time Zone
America/Los_Angeles Pacific Time Zone
Time Zone GMT Hourly Offset
Pacific/Pago_Pago -11:00
Pacific/Midway -11:00
Pacific/Apia -11:00
Pacific/Honolulu -10:00
America/Juneau -09:00
America/Los_Angeles -08:00
America/Tijuana -08:00
America/Phoenix -07:00
America/Chihuahua -07:00
America/Mazatlan -07:00
America/Denver -07:00
America/Guatemala -06:00
America/Chicago -06:00
America/Mexico_City -06:00
America/Monterrey -06:00
America/Regina -06:00
America/Bogota -05:00
America/New_York -05:00
America/Indiana/Indianapolis -05:00
America/Lima -05:00
America/Halifax -04:00
America/Caracas -04:00
America/Guyana -04:00
America/La_Paz -04:00
America/Santiago -04:00
America/St_Johns -03:30
America/Sao_Paulo -03:00
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires -03:00
America/Godthab -03:00
America/Montevideo -03:00
Atlantic/South_Georgia -02:00
Atlantic/Azores -01:00
Atlantic/Cape_Verde -01:00
Africa/Casablanca +00:00
Europe/Dublin +00:00
Europe/London +00:00
Europe/Lisbon +00:00
Europe/London +00:00
Africa/Monrovia +00:00
Etc/UTC +00:00
Europe/Amsterdam +01:00
Europe/Belgrade +01:00
Europe/Berlin +01:00
Europe/Bratislava +01:00
Europe/Brussels +01:00
Europe/Budapest +01:00
Europe/Copenhagen +01:00
Europe/Ljubljana +01:00
Europe/Madrid +01:00
Europe/Paris +01:00
Europe/Prague +01:00
Europe/Rome +01:00
Europe/Sarajevo +01:00
Europe/Skopje +01:00
Europe/Stockholm +01:00
Europe/Vienna +01:00
Europe/Warsaw +01:00
Africa/Algiers +01:00
Europe/Zagreb +01:00
Europe/Athens +02:00
Europe/Bucharest +02:00
Africa/Cairo +02:00
Africa/Harare +02:00
Europe/Helsinki +02:00
Asia/Jerusalem +02:00
Europe/Kaliningrad +02:00
Europe/Kiev +02:00
Africa/Johannesburg +02:00
Europe/Riga +02:00
Europe/Sofia +02:00
Europe/Tallinn +02:00
Europe/Vilnius +02:00
Asia/Baghdad +03:00
Europe/Istanbul +03:00
Asia/Kuwait +03:00
Europe/Minsk +03:00
Europe/Moscow +03:00
Africa/Nairobi +03:00
Asia/Riyadh +03:00
Europe/Moscow +03:00
Europe/Volgograd +03:00
Asia/Tehran +03:30
Asia/Muscat +04:00
Asia/Baku +04:00
Asia/Muscat +04:00
Europe/Samara +04:00
Asia/Tbilisi +04:00
Asia/Yerevan +04:00
Asia/Kabul +04:30
Asia/Yekaterinburg +05:00
Asia/Karachi +05:00
Asia/Tashkent +05:00
Asia/Kolkata +05:30
Asia/Colombo +05:30
Asia/Kathmandu +05:45
Asia/Almaty +06:00
Asia/Dhaka +06:00
Asia/Urumqi +06:00
Asia/Rangoon +06:30
Asia/Bangkok +07:00
Asia/Jakarta +07:00
Asia/Krasnoyarsk +07:00
Asia/Novosibirsk +07:00
Asia/Shanghai +08:00
Asia/Chongqing +08:00
Asia/Hong_Kong +08:00
Asia/Irkutsk +08:00
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur +08:00
Australia/Perth +08:00
Asia/Singapore +08:00
Asia/Taipei +08:00
Asia/Ulaanbaatar +08:00
Asia/Tokyo +09:00
Asia/Seoul +09:00
Asia/Yakutsk +09:00
Australia/Adelaide +09:30
Australia/Darwin +09:30
Australia/Brisbane +10:00
Australia/Melbourne +10:00
Pacific/Guam +10:00
Australia/Hobart +10:00
Australia/Melbourne +10:00
Pacific/Port_Moresby +10:00
Australia/Sydney +10:00
Asia/Vladivostok +10:00
Asia/Magadan +11:00
Pacific/Noumea +11:00
Pacific/Guadalcanal +11:00
Asia/Srednekolymsk +11:00
Pacific/Auckland +12:00
Pacific/Fiji +12:00
Asia/Kamchatka +12:00
Pacific/Majuro +12:00
Pacific/Auckland +12:00
Pacific/Chatham +12:45
Pacific/Tongatapu +13:00
Pacific/Fakaofo +13:00

HTTP Response Codes

The CallRail API returns standard HTTP success or error status codes. For errors, extra information about what went wrong will be encoded in the response as JSON.

The various HTTP status codes that may be returned are listed below.

Error Code Meaning
200 OK – The request has succeeded.
201 Created – The request has been fulfilled and has resulted in a new resource being created.
204 No Content – The server successfully processed the request and is not returning any content.
400 Bad Request – The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, or invalid request parameters)
401 Unauthorized – The request has not been processed because it lacks a valid API key for the target resource.
403 Forbidden – The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
404 Not Found – The server did not find the target resource or endpoint.
405 Method Not Allowed – The HTTP method received in the request is known by the origin server but not supported by the target resource.
406 Not Acceptable – Request parameters were supplied in an unacceptable format. For GET requests, verify that parameters are sent as part of the URL. For other requests, verify that parameters are sent as JSON.
422 Unprocessable Entity – The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, or invalid request parameters)
429 Too Many Requests – The User or Agency has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (See Rate Limiting.)
500 Internal Server Error – The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. If this error persists, please contact support.
503 Service Unavailable – The CallRail API is temporarily offline for maintenance, or the server is overloaded. Please try again later.

Rate Limiting

CallRail limits the number of requests to the API made by an account on an hourly and daily basis.

The default rate limits are described below. If you expect that your application will require more requests, please contact our support team.

If your application exceeds the rate limit, all endpoints will return the HTTP 429 response code. Applications should detect this code and react by pausing or slowing requests until the 429 clears.

Default Rate Limits

API Type Hourly Limit Daily Limit
General API Requests 1,000/hour 10,000/day
SMS Send 150/hour 1,000/day
Outbound Call 100/hour 2,000/day

Your First API Request

A simple way to learn the CallRail API is to make an API request with Postman, a powerful HTTP client to help easily test web services.

For a more detailed overview of Postman, see the Postman Documentation.

Configuring Postman to Make CallRail API Requests

1. Set the correct HTTP verb and URL endpoint

2. Set the Authorization header

Postman Image 1 (Right click on image and select View Image/Open Image In New Tab to expand the image.)

3. Click “Send” to execute your API request.

A successful response will return something similar to the following image.

Postman Image 2 (Right click on image and select View Image/Open Image In New Tab to expand the image.)

Congratulations! You’ve made your first request against the CallRail API. The remaining sections provide documentation for the available endpoints of the API.


January 30, 2020

We have made changes to the API to more closely mirror the data that is displayed in the activity logs and in our reports. For marketing attribution data like Source, Medium, Campaign, Referrer, and Landing Page data, this will represent the lead’s first touch milestone. gclid and fbclid fields will return the most value associated with the call, even if the first touch milestone is a source other than Google Ads or Facebook Ads.

May 24, 2022

The Updating a Call endpoint has been enhanced to allow for edits to Customer Name, and setting Spam status to “true” to mark a call as spam.

June 9, 2022

We have added support for updating form submission data via the Updating a Form Submission endpoint.

June 14, 2022

We have added a milestones object to the Listing All Calls and Retrieving a Single Call endpoints. It describes the attribution for each of the lead’s milestones.

September 20, 2022

We have added a timeline_url field to the Listing All Calls, Retrieving a Single Call, and Listing All Form Submissions endpoints. It contains a link to the lead’s timeline.

March 3, 2023

We have added support for Relative Pagination to the Listing All Calls endpoint. This improves performance when fetching larger data sets from that endpoint.

March 22, 2023

We have added last_touch milestone data to the milestones object in the Listing All Calls and Retrieving a Single Call endpoints.

April 5, 2023

We have added a milestones object to the Listing All Form Submissions endpoint. It describes the attribution for each of the lead’s milestones.

April 13, 2023

Please note that according to our Data Retention Policy, Communication Records (which include phone calls, call recordings, text messages, chat logs, form submissions, web visitor sessions, and other types of data) are retained for 25 months, after which they are automatically deleted.

If you make a request to an endpoint for Communication Records that are outside of the retention period, you will receive an error directing you to revise your date range. This includes requests using the all_time date parameter.

July 19, 2023

New texting compliance rules driven by mobile carriers will require every business sending text messages to register with The Campaign Registry via CallRail.

Learn more about registration and fees and find a link to the registration form on our Text Messaging Compliance Registration support document.

Register by July 31, 2023 to prevent service disruptions to outbound texting, replying to messages, or using automated text responses.

October 26, 2023

Please note that passwords can no longer be managed via the API, regardless of the user making the request. Passwords can only be reset or changed in the app UI. Please refer to our support articles for instructions on how to change or reset your password.

May 10, 2024

The swap_cookie_duration value in the Companies endpoints now supports a swap_cookie_duration_unit to allow more flexibility when specifying a custom cookie duration.

May 16, 2024

The Listing All Calls and Retrieving a Single Call endpoints now include the person_id field, when requested using field selection. person_id helps you identify a particular lead across all their tracked interactions.

May 31, 2024

The Listing All Users endpoint now includes the companies object. This will list all the companies the user is currently associated with.

August 27, 2024

The Listing All Calls and Retrieving a Single Call endpoints now include the sentiment field, when requested using field selection. sentiment gives you the overall sentiment of the call and is available to customers who are using Premium Conversation Intelligence. The Listing All Calls endpoint also now includes the transcription when requested using field selection, which is a transcribed copy of the the conversation or voicemail message. Phone call transcription requires a subscription to a Conversational Intelligence plan.

September 10, 2024

When sending text messages, you are required to identify who you are and use at least one approved keyword to inform the recipient they can end communication at any time. The first time you text a lead (including when using the Send a Text Message endpoint), we will automatically include opt out instructions if none were included in the message. Approved examples: STOP, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, QUIT, or END

October 15, 2024

The Listing All Calls and Retrieving a Single Call endpoints now include the zip_code field, when requested using field selection. zip_code returns all zip codes that were entered by a caller in a geo-routing step of a call flow.

December 9, 2024

We have added support for Convert Assist Complete webhooks and have provided documentation for it.

January 27, 2025

The Listing All Conversations and Retrieving a Single Text Conversation endpoints now include the source field, when requested using field selection.



Within CallRail, accounts are the top level object. Once an account has been created, companies can then be created within a given account and relevant actions like creating tracking numbers and adding users can then be accomplished. The Accounts endpoints retrieve data about which CallRail accounts can be accessed by the given API key. For more information on scoped API keys, see the Authorization section.

Listing All Accounts

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 2,
  "accounts": [
      "id": "ACC8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "Last Mile Metrics",
      "outbound_recording_enabled": true,
      "hipaa_account": false
      "id": "ACC8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d4d",
      "name": "CallRail",
      "outbound_recording_enabled": true,
      "hipaa_account": false

This endpoint returns a paginated array of all accounts scoped to the provided API key.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering.

Sorting is available for the following fields:

Filtering is available for the following:

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the account.
name string Name of the account.
outbound_recording_enabled boolean Whether or not the account has recording enabled for outbound calls placed via the CallRail web application.
hipaa_account boolean Whether or not the account is a HIPAA account.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
numeric_id integer The numeric identifier for the account, ex. “123456789”

Retrieving A Single Account

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "ACC8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "name": "Last Mile Metrics",
  "outbound_recording_enabled": true,
  "hipaa_account": false

This endpoint returns a single account object scoped to the provided API key.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the account.
name string Name of the account.
outbound_recording_enabled boolean Whether or not the account has recording enabled for outbound calls placed via the CallRail web application.
hipaa_account boolean Whether or not the account is a HIPAA account.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
numeric_id integer The numeric identifier for the account, ex. “123456789”


Listing All Calls

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 9,
  "calls": [
      "answered": false,
      "business_phone_number": null,
      "customer_city": "Denver",
      "customer_country": "US",
      "customer_name": "RUEGSEGGER SIMO",
      "customer_phone_number": "+13036231131",
      "customer_state": "CO",
      "direction": "inbound",
      "duration": 4,
      "id": "CAL8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "recording": "",
      "recording_duration": "27",
      "recording_player": "",
      "start_time": "2017-01-24T11:27:48.119-05:00",
      "tracking_phone_number": "+13038163491",
      "voicemail": false,
      "agent_email": ""
      "answered": false,
      "business_phone_number": null,
      "customer_city": "Blue Ridge",
      "customer_country": "US",
      "customer_name": "BLUE RIDGE, GA",
      "customer_phone_number": "+17064558047",
      "customer_state": "GA",
      "direction": "inbound",
      "duration": 16,
      "id": "CAL8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "recording": null,
      "recording_duration": null,
      "recording_player": null,
      "start_time": "2017-01-24T19:50:03.456-05:00",
      "tracking_phone_number": "+17708243899",
      "voicemail": false,
      "agent_email": ""

This endpoint returns a paginated list of all calls in the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/calls.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination, Sorting, Filtering, Field Selection, and Searching. Please use Relative Pagination when querying larger data sets.

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional If provided, only return calls to tracking numbers belonging to this company.
tracker_id string optional If provided, only return calls to this specific tracking number.

Sorting is available for the following fields:

Note: fields marked with * must be selected to be visible in the response payload as they are not part of the default set of fields.

Filtering is available for the following:

Searching is available for the following fields:

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
answered boolean Whether the call was answered (true) or not answered (false).
business_phone_number string The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number.
customer_city string The customer’s city, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
customer_country string The customer’s country, based on the area code of their phone number.
customer_name string The customer’s name, as reported by Caller ID.
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
customer_state string The 2-character abbreviation for the customer’s state, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
direction string Whether the call was inbound (from a customer to you) or outbound (from you to a customer).
duration integer The duration of the call in seconds.
id string Unique identifier for the call.
recording string A URL pointing to the calls/recording api endpoint.
recording_duration string The length in seconds of the recording, if available.
recording_player string The URL for a stand-alone recording player for this call, if available.
start_time string The date and time the call started in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.
tracking_phone_number string The business’ tracking phone number for this call (in E.164 format).
voicemail boolean Whether the call ended with a voicemail (true) or not (false).

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
agent_email string Email address for the user who answered the call, when applicable.
call_highlights array A list of relevant keywords automatically found in the call transcription.
call_summary string Three to five sentences that summarizes the contents of the call. This is available when the call is over 30 seconds, for customers with a subscription to a Premium Converation Intelligence plan. For more information, see our support article on Call summaries.
call_type string The type of call. One of abandonded, answered, in_progress, missed, outbound, voicemail, or voicemail_transcription.
campaign string The name of the campaign the call belongs to.
company_id string The string id of the company the call belongs to.
company_name string The name of the company the source belongs to .
company_time_zone string The configure time zone of the company in CallRail.
created_at string The date and time the call was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.
custom object A list of key-value pairs of custom cookies captured by the Custom Cookie Capture integration, for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
device_type string Either mobile or desktop, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
fbclid string fbclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
first_call boolean Whether or not the call is the caller’s first call to this company.
formatted_call_type string The type of call, formatted for display.
formatted_customer_location string The customer’s city and state formatted for display.
formatted_business_phone_number string The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number, formatted for display.
formatted_customer_name string The customer’s name with certain values stylized for display.
formatted_customer_name_or_phone_number string The name or phone number of the customer as reported by Caller ID, formatted for display.
formatted_customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number formatted for display.
formatted_duration string The duration of the call formatted for display.
formatted_tracking_phone_number string The business’ tracking phone number for this call formatted for display.
formatted_tracking_source string The name of the call source formatted for display.
formatted_value string The value of the call assigned via the CallRail dashboard, formatted as currency or “–” if not set.
ga string Google Universal Analytics _ga value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
gclid string gclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. This is also available for calls from Google Ads call assets (formerly called extensions) and call-only ads through the use of our Google Ads Call Details Forwarding integration.
good_lead_call_id integer If provided, the id of the call that was originally scored as a good lead.
good_lead_call_time string If provided, the time of the call that was originally scored as a good lead.
keypad_entries object A list of key-value pairs containing each number entered by the caller as part of a call flow. Each item includes the name given to the keypad entry step in the call flow and the numbers entered by the caller in the keypad entry step of the call flow. { "name": "Account Number", "value": "1234" }
keywords string The keywords the visitor searched for, if available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources.
keywords_spotted array Array of keywords spotted, each containing keyword with locations in seconds offset from beginning of recording.
landing_page_url string The URL the caller first landed on, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
last_requested_url string The URL of the active page at the time the call was placed, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
lead_status string The current lead status of this caller (as of this call). One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null.
medium string The medium associated with the call. Most commonly “PPC”, “direct”, or “Organic”.
milestones object An object describing the attribution data associated with the lead’s milestones. For more information, see our support article on Attribution Modeling.
milestones: first_touch object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The First Touch milestone is the first time a customer engages with your company. For example, if they click a PPC ad that takes them to a landing page or they are called by a sales representative on your team. This is the first time a customer interacts with your company.
milestones: lead_created object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Lead Creation milestone is the last source before a customer calls, texts, or submits a form and becomes known to your business as a new lead. For example, if a customer clicks on one of your Google Ads PPC ads and then calls the tracking number on your landing page, their Lead Creation milestone would be that PPC ad because it caused them to call.
milestones: qualified object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Qualified milestone is the last source before a customer becomes scored as a qualified lead.
milestones: last_touch object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Last Touch milestone is the last source before the current call. For example, if a customer clicks on a Google PPC add and then calls the tracking number on your website, and then later navigates back to your website via the Google search results page and calls one of your tracking numbers again, their First Touch source would be Google Ads and the Last Touch source for the 2nd call would be Google Organic.
msclkid string msclkid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) Trackers.
note string Any text notes to associate with this call.
person_id string Unique identifier for the lead associated with the phone call.
prior_calls integer The number of times this company received a call from this customer prior to this call. If this is the first call from the customer, prior_calls will be 0.
referrer_domain string The domain that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
referring_url string The URL that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
sentiment string The assigned sentiment of the conversation. This is available to customers with a subscription to a Premium Converation Intelligence plan. For more information, see our support article on call sentiments.
session_uuid string The unique identifier for the session associated with the call, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
source string The marketing source that led to the phone call.
source_name string The name of the tracking number within CallRail.
speaker_percent object A JSON object containing the values of the percentage of time spent talking by the Agent and Customer on a call.
tags array Any tags which have been applied to this call.
timeline_url string A link to the lead’s timeline, which displays the web sessions and touchpoints a caller had on your website before, during, and after calling your business. For more information, see our support article on Caller Timelines.
total_calls integer The total number of calls received from a customer phone number.
tracker_id string The unique identifier for the tracking number of this call.
transcription string A transcribed copy of the the conversation or voicemail message, if available. Phone call transcription requires a subscription to a Conversational Intelligence plan. Call recording must be enabled on tracking numbers where you’d like to transcribe calls. See our support article for details.
utm_campaign string utm_campaign as captured from the landing page parameter, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.
utm_content string utm_content as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
utm_medium string utm_medium as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.
utm_source string utm_source as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.
utm_term string utm_term as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
value integer A number representing the monetary value of this call.
voice_assist_message object The data collected during a Voice Assistant call. See our support article for more information.
voice_assist_message: contents object A JSON object containing "question": "answer" mappings of collected data.
voice_assist_message: overrides object A JSON object containing "question": "override" if a user has overridden an AI answer. Defaults to null.
voice_assist_message: recorded_at string An ISO8601 timestamp of when the assistant recorded this message.
voice_assist_message: urgency string The detected urgency level of the call.
waveforms array Only present if the call was recorded. Contains the URLs of two images representing the volume of the call over time.
zip_code array A list of each zip code entered by the caller as part of the geo-routing step of a call flow. See our support article for more information.

Retrieving a Single Call

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "answered": false,
  "business_phone_number": null,
  "customer_city": "New York City",
  "customer_country": "US",
  "customer_name": "Jimmy Pesto, Sr.",
  "customer_phone_number": "+13036231131",
  "customer_state": "NY",
  "direction": "inbound",
  "duration": 4,
  "id": "CAL8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "recording": "",
  "recording_duration": "27",
  "recording_player": "",
  "start_time": "2017-01-24T11:27:48.119-05:00",
  "tracking_phone_number": "+13038163491",
  "voicemail": false,
  "agent_email": ""
curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "answered": false,
  "business_phone_number": null,
  "customer_city": "New York City",
  "customer_country": "US",
  "customer_name": "Jimmy Pesto, Sr.",
  "customer_phone_number": "+13036231131",
  "customer_state": "NY",
  "direction": "inbound",
  "duration": 4,
  "id": "CAL8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "recording": "",
  "recording_duration": "27",
  "recording_player": "",
  "start_time": "2017-01-24T11:27:48.119-05:00",
  "tracking_phone_number": "+13038163491",
  "voicemail": false,
  "agent_email": "",
  "milestones": {
     "first_touch": {
          "event_date": "2017-01-22T19:41:45.183-04:00",
          "ad_position": null,
          "campaign": "US_branded",
          "device": "desktop",
          "keywords": "peststoppers",
          "landing": "",
          "landing_page_url_params": {
               "campaign": "US_branded",
               "keywords": "peststoppers",
               "gclid": "12345abgdef"
          "match_type": null,
          "medium": "cpc",
          "referrer": "",
          "referrer_url_params": {},
          "session_browser": "Chrome",
          "url_utm_params": {},
          "source": "Google Ads"
     "lead_created": {
          "event_date": "2017-01-22T19:41:45.183-04:00",
          "ad_position": null,
          "campaign": "US_branded",
          "device": "desktop",
          "keywords": "peststoppers",
          "landing": "",
          "landing_page_url_params": {
               "campaign": "US_branded",
               "keywords": "peststoppers",
               "gclid": "12345abgdef"
          "match_type": null,
          "medium": "cpc",
          "referrer": "",
          "referrer_url_params": {},
          "session_browser": "Chrome",
          "url_utm_params": {},
          "source": "Google Ads"
      "qualified": {
          "event_date": "2017-01-22T19:41:45.183-04:00",
          "ad_position": null,
          "campaign": "US_branded",
          "device": "desktop",
          "keywords": "peststoppers",
          "landing": "",
          "landing_page_url_params": {
               "campaign": "US_branded",
               "keywords": "peststoppers",
               "gclid": "12345abgdef"
          "match_type": null,
          "medium": "cpc",
          "referrer": "",
          "referrer_url_params": {},
          "session_browser": "Chrome",
          "url_utm_params": {},
          "source": "Google Ads"
     "last_touch": {
          "event_date": "2017-01-24T11:27:48.119-05:00",
          "ad_position": null,
          "campaign": null,
          "device": "desktop",
          "keywords": null,
          "landing": "",
          "landing_page_url_params": {},
          "match_type": null,
          "medium": "organic",
          "referrer": "",
          "referrer_url_params": {},
          "session_browser": "Chrome",
          "url_utm_params": {},
          "source": "Google Organic"
  "keywords_spotted": [
      "keyword": "test phrase one",
      "locations": [
          "speaker": "caller",
          "start": 7.71
          "speaker": "agent",
          "start": 13.38
          "speaker": "caller",
          "start": 17.96
      "keyword": "test phrase two",
      "locations": [
          "speaker": "caller",
          "start": 8.44

This endpoint returns a single call object associated with the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/calls/{call_id}.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Field Selection.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
answered boolean Whether the call was answered (true) or not answered (false).
business_phone_number string The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number.
customer_city string The customer’s city, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
customer_country string The customer’s country, based on the area code of their phone number.
customer_name string The customer’s name, as reported by Caller ID.
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
customer_state string The 2-character abbreviation for the customer’s state, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
direction string Whether the call was inbound (from a customer to you) or outbound (from you to a customer).
duration integer The duration of the call in seconds.
id string Unique identifier for the call.
recording string A URL pointing to the recording of the call, if available. This URL redirects to the actual audio file of the recording in MP3 format.
recording_duration string The length in seconds of the recording, if available.
recording_player string The URL for a stand-alone recording player for this call, if available.
start_time string The date and time the call started in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.
tracking_phone_number string The business’ tracking phone number for this call (in E.164 format).
voicemail boolean Whether the call ended with a voicemail (true) or not (false).

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
agent_email string Email address for the user who answered the call, when applicable.
call_highlights array A list of relevant keywords automatically found in the call transcription.
call_summary array Three to five sentences that summarizes the contents of the call. This is available when the call is over 30 seconds, for customers with a subscription to a Premium Converation Intelligence plan. For more information, see our support article on Call summaries.
call_type string The type of call. One of abandonded, answered, in_progress, missed, outbound, voicemail, or voicemail_transcription.
campaign string The name of the campaign the call belongs to.
company_id string The unique string id of the company the call belongs to.
company_name string The name of the company the source belongs to.
company_time_zone string The configure time zone of the company in CallRail.
conversational_transcript string A formatted version of the transcription of the phone call conversation, if available. The conversation is broken into objects containing the speaker (either caller or agent), the phrase (what was said by the speaker), and the start, indicating the timestamp (in seconds) when the speaker began that phrase.
created_at string The date and time the call was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.
custom object A list of key-value pairs of custom cookies captured by the Custom Cookie Capture integration, for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
device_type string Either mobile or desktop, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
fbclid string fbclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
first_call boolean Whether or not the call is the caller’s first call to this company.
formatted_call_type string The type of call, formatted for display.
formatted_customer_location string The customer’s city and state formatted for display.
formatted_business_phone_number string The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number, formatted for display.
formatted_customer_name string The customer’s name with certain values stylized for display.
formatted_customer_name_or_phone_number string The name or phone number of the customer as reported by Caller ID, formatted for display.
formatted_customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number formatted for display.
formatted_duration string The duration of the call formatted for display.
formatted_tracking_phone_number string The business’ tracking phone number for this call formatted for display.
formatted_tracking_source string The name of the call source formatted for display.
formatted_value string The value of the call assigned via the CallRail dashboard, formatted as currency or “–” if not set.
ga string Google Universal Analytics _ga value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
gclid string gclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. This is also available for calls from Google Ads call assets (formerly called extensions) and call-only ads through the use of our Google Ads Call Details Forwarding integration.
good_lead_call_id integer If provided, the id of the call that was originally scored as a good lead.
good_lead_call_time string If provided, the time of the call that was originally scored as a good lead.
integration_data array Company integration data collected for a given call, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
keypad_entries object A list of key-value pairs containing each number entered by the caller as part of a call flow. Each item includes the name given to the keypad entry step in the call flow and the numbers entered by the caller in the keypad entry step of the call flow. { "name": "Account Number", "value": "1234" }
keywords string The keywords the visitor searched for, if available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources.
keywords_spotted array Array of keywords spotted, each containing keyword with locations in seconds offset from beginning of recording.
landing_page_url string The URL the caller first landed on, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
last_requested_url string The URL of the active page at the time the call was placed, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
lead_status string The current lead status of this caller (as of this call). One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null.
medium string The medium associated with the call. Most commonly “PPC”, “direct”, or “Organic”.
milestones object An object describing the attribution data associated with the lead’s milestones. For more information, see our support article on Attribution Modeling.
milestones: first_touch object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The First Touch milestone is the first time a customer engages with your company. For example, if they click a PPC ad that takes them to a landing page or they are called by a sales representative on your team. This is the first time a customer interacts with your company.
milestones: lead_created object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Lead Creation milestone is the last source before a customer calls, texts, or submits a form and becomes known to your business as a new lead. For example, if a customer clicks on one of your Google Ads PPC ads and then calls the tracking number on your landing page, their Lead Creation milestone would be that PPC ad because it caused them to call.
milestones: qualified object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Qualified milestone is the last source before a customer becomes scored as a qualified lead.
milestones: last_touch object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Last Touch milestone is the last source before the current call. For example, if a customer clicks on a Google PPC add and then calls the tracking number on your website, and then later navigates back to your website via the Google search results page and calls one of your tracking numbers again, their First Touch source would be Google Ads and the Last Touch source for the 2nd call would be Google Organic.
msclkid string msclkid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) Trackers.
note string Any text notes to associate with this call.
person_id string Unique identifier for the lead associated with the phone call.
prior_calls integer The number of times this company received a call from this customer prior to this call. If this is the first call from the customer, prior_calls will be 0.
referrer_domain string The domain that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
referring_url string The URL that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
sentiment string The assigned sentiment of the conversation. This is available to customers with a subscription to a Premium Converation Intelligence plan. For more information, see our support article on call sentiments.
session_uuid string The unique identifier for the session associated with the call, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
source string The marketing source that led to the phone call.
source_name string The name of the tracking number within CallRail.
speaker_percent object A JSON object containing the values of the percentage of time spent talking by the Agent and Customer on a call.
tags array Any tags which have been applied to this call.
timeline_url string A link to the lead’s timeline, which displays the web sessions and touchpoints a caller had on your website before, during, and after calling your business. For more information, see our support article on Caller Timelines.
total_calls integer The total number of calls received from a customer phone number.
tracker_id string The unique ID for the tracking number of this call.
transcription string A transcribed copy of the the conversation or voicemail message, if available. Phone call transcription requires a subscription to a Conversational Intelligence plan. Call recording must be enabled on tracking numbers where you’d like to transcribe calls. See our support article for details.
utm_campaign string utm_campaign as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.
utm_content string utm_content as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
utm_medium string utm_medium as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.
utm_source string utm_source as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers.
utm_term string utm_term as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers.
value integer A number representing the monetary value of this call.
voice_assist_message object The data collected during a Voice Assistant call. See our support article for more information.
voice_assist_message: contents object A JSON object containing "question": "answer" mappings of collected data.
voice_assist_message: overrides object A JSON object containing "question": "override" if a user has overridden an AI answer. Defaults to null.
voice_assist_message: recorded_at string An ISO8601 timestamp of when the assistant recorded this message.
voice_assist_message: urgency string The detected urgency level of the call.
waveforms array Only present if the call was recorded. Contains the URLs of two images representing the volume of the call over time.
zip_code array A list of each zip code entered by the caller as part of the geo-routing step of a call flow. See our support article for more information.

Creating an Outbound Phone Call

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "caller_id": "+17703334455",
          "business_phone_number": "+14045556666",
          "customer_phone_number": "+14044442233",
          "recording_enabled": true,
          "outbound_greeting_recording_url": "",
          "outbound_greeting_text": "These are not the droids you are looking for."
         }' \

This endpoint initiates an outbound call from the target account. It can only be used to place calls to and from US and Canadian numbers. It cannot be used to place calls to the United Kingdom and Australia.

The above command initiates an outbound phone call between a customer and a business. The API call should specify a valid tracking number or verified external number, Outbound Caller ID, as the caller_id. Upon making the request, the first leg of the call is placed to the supplied business_phone_number to iniatate the outbound phone call. Once this call is answered by the business, another outbound dial is made to the customer_phone_number and connected to the initial business phone call.

  "answered": null,
  "business_phone_number": "+19044567899",
  "customer_city": "Atlanta",
  "customer_country": "US",
  "customer_name": null,
  "customer_phone_number": "+14703444700",
  "customer_state": "GA",
  "direction": "outbound",
  "duration": null,
  "id": "CAL8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "recording": null,
  "recording_duration": null,
  "start_time": "2017-02-22T15:02:24.916-05:00",
  "tracking_phone_number": "+19044567899",
  "voicemail": false

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/calls.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
caller_id integer required Tracking phone number or verified external phone number used to make an outbound call to the customer. Must be a valid 10 digit US or Canadian number.
customer_phone_number string required The customer’s phone number that will receive the outbound phone call once the business is connected. Must be a valid 10 digit US or Canadian number.
business_phone_number string required The phone number belonging to the business that is initially connected to the call before dialing the customer. Must be a valid 10 digit US or Canadian number.
recording_enabled boolean optional Specifies whether or not to record the call being created.
outbound_greeting_recording_url string optional A URL referencing an audio file that will be played for the customer when the call is answered.
outbound_greeting_text string optional A string of text that will be read to the customer when the call is answered.
agent_id string optional The user ID of the agent to be assigned to the call.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 CREATED.

Name Type Description
answered boolean Whether the call was answered (true) or not answered (false).
business_phone_number string The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number.
customer_city string The customer’s city, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
customer_country string The customer’s country, based on the area code of their phone number.
customer_name string The customer’s name, as reported by Caller ID.
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
customer_state string The 2-character abbreviation for the customer’s state, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
direction string Whether the call was inbound (from a customer to you) or outbound (from you to a customer).
duration integer The duration of the call in seconds.
id string Unique identifier for the call.
recording string A URL pointing to the recording of the call, if available. This URL redirects to the actual audio file of the recording in MP3 format.
recording_duration string The length in seconds of the recording, if available.
start_time string The date and time the call started in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.
tracking_phone_number string The business’ tracking phone number for this call (in E.164 format).
voicemail boolean Whether the call ended with a voicemail (true) or not (false).

Updating a Call

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -v \
     -d '{
           "note": "Call customer back tomorrow",
           "tags": ["New Client"],
           "lead_status": "good_lead",
           "value": "$1.00",
           "append_tags": true,
           "customer_name": "James Smith"
         }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "answered": false,
  "business_phone_number": null,
  "customer_city": "Denver",
  "customer_country": "US",
  "customer_name": "James Smith",
  "customer_phone_number": "+13036231131",
  "customer_state": "CO",
  "direction": "inbound",
  "duration": 4,
  "id": "CAL8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "recording": "",
  "recording_duration": "27",
  "start_time": "2017-01-24T11:27:48.119-05:00",
  "tracking_phone_number": "+13038163491",
  "voicemail": false

This endpoint updates a call object in the target account. You can use the API to add a Tag or a Note to a call, to set the call’s lead status, or to update the name of the lead associated with the call.

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/calls/{call_id}.json

Request Body

When updating a call, the following fields may be included in the request body. If a field is not included, its value will not be changed. If it is included but is null or a blank string, the field will be cleared.

Name Type Required? Description
tags array optional Array of tag names to associate with this call. See the documentation for Tag. New tags will be created if the request contains a tag that doesn’t exist in the company currently.
note string optional Any text notes to associate with this call.
value string optional A number representing the monetary value of this call. This can be formatted with or without a dollar sign. Both “$1.00” and “1.00” are acceptable.
lead_status string optional A string representing a valid lead status. One of "good_lead", "not_a_lead", or null. If a call has a lead status of "previously_marked_good_lead", attempting to set the lead_status to "good_lead" will result in a 400 error.
append_tags boolean optional When set to true, any tags passed in the parameters will be added to the tags already present on the call. When set to false or not specified, any tags passed in the parameters will replace tags already present on the call.
customer_name string optional Updates the name of the lead associated with the call.
spam boolean optional When set to true, this marks the specified call as spam. If the call is in the current billing cycle, it will remove the call from your call log, and also from your reports and billing. It will also “challenge” the caller in the future. You cannot remove spam status via the API. You can remove the caller from the Challenge list by visiting the Blocked Numbers page.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
answered boolean Whether the call was answered (true) or not answered (false).
business_phone_number string The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number.
customer_city string The customer’s city, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
customer_country string The customer’s country, based on the area code of their phone number.
customer_name string The customer’s name, as reported by Caller ID.
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
customer_state string The 2-character abbreviation for the customer’s state, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
direction string Whether the call was inbound (from a customer to you) or outbound (from you to a customer).
duration integer The duration of the call in seconds.
id string Unique identifier for the call.
recording string A URL pointing to the recording of the call, if available. This URL redirects to the actual audio file of the recording in MP3 format.
recording_duration string The length in seconds of the recording, if available.
start_time string The date and time the call started in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.
tracking_phone_number string The business’ tracking phone number for this call (in E.164 format).
voicemail boolean Whether the call ended with a voicemail (true) or not (false).

Summarizing Call Data

curl -H "Authorization: Token token=abc1234" \{account_id}/calls/summary.json?group_by=source

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "start_date": "2016-10-10T00:00:00-0000",
  "end_date": "2016-11-09T23:59:59-0000",
  "time_zone": "UTC",
  "total_results": {
    "total_calls": 160
  "grouped_by": "source",
  "grouped_results": [
      "key": "Bing",
      "total_calls": 130,
      "missed_calls": 20,
      "answered_calls": 110,
      "first_time_callers": 15,
      "average_duration": 179,
      "formatted_average_duration": "2m 59s",
      "leads": 40
      "key": "Billboard Ad",
      "total_calls": 30,
      "missed_calls": 4,
      "answered_calls": 26,
      "first_time_callers": 4,
      "average_duration": 45,
      "formatted_average_duration": "45s",
      "leads": 6

Return summarized Call data for an Agency or for a Company. This Call Summary data can be limited to a specific date range, can be filtered based on a variety of criteria, and can be grouped by source, keywords, campaign, referrer, landing_page, or company. Grouping by company is only available when using the account-level endpoint.

API Endpoints

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/calls/summary.json

Request Parameters

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional Accepts a Company ID. If provided, show results for calls to a single Company.
group_by string optional If provided, group call summary data by specific characteristic. One of source, keywords, campaign, referrer, landing_page, company or company_id.
fields string optional Specify which data to return in request. Comma-separated list of the following: total_calls, missed_calls, answered_calls, first_time_callers, average_duration, formatted_average_duration, leads. Defaults to total_calls
device string optional If provided, show results for a specific device type. One of desktop, mobile or all.
min_duration number optional If provided, only include summary data for calls over the specified duration. An integer representing seconds should be passed.
max_duration number optional If provided, only include summary data for calls under the specified duration. An integer representing seconds should be passed.
tags string optional If provided, only return calls that have had the given tag applied. This parameter can be provided as one or more comma-separated values tags=A,B for a single tag, or one or more array parameters tags[]=A&tags[]=B.
tracker_ids string optional If provided, only return calls made to specific Trackers. This parameter must be provided as one or more array parameters. For example, tracker_ids[]=TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f&tracker_ids[]=TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d5d.
direction string optional If provided, show results for a specific call direction. One of inbound, outbound or all.
answer_status string optional If provided, show results for a specific answer status. One of answered, missed, voicemail, or all.
first_time_callers boolean optional If provided, show results for either all first time callers, or for all non-first time callers.
lead_status string optional Specify results that match a specific Lead Status. One of good_lead, not_a_lead, not_scored.
agent number optional Accepts a User ID. If provided, show results for calls to a specific Agent.

Date Request Parameters

See Filtering by Date for more info

Searching is available for the following fields:

Response Fields

Name Type Description
total_results object A JSON object containing total counts of requested summary data. Summary count fields are listed below in the “Summary Data Response Fields” table.
grouped_by string If provided, this field contains the group_by value passed into the initial request for summary data.
grouped_results array An array of JSON objects containing total counts of requested summary data, grouped by the group_by parameter. Summary count fields are listed below in the “Summary Data Response Fields” table.

Summary Data Response Fields

Name Type Description
total_calls number Total number of calls in summary criteria range.
missed_calls number Total number of calls that were missed in summary criteria range.
answered_calls number Total number of calls that were answered in summary criteria range.
first_time_callers number Total number of calls that were from first time callers in summary criteria range.
average_duration number Average duration of all calls in summary criteria range, integer.
formatted_average_duration string Average duration of all calls in summary criteria range, formatted.
leads number Total number of calls that were marked as ‘leads’ in summary criteria range.

Summarizing Call Data by Time Series

curl -H "Authorization: Token token=abc1234" \{account_id}/calls/timeseries.json?start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-10-04&fields=missed_calls,answered_calls,first_time_callers,average_duration,formatted_average_duration,leads

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "start_date": "2016-10-01T00:00:00-0000",
  "end_date": "2016-10-04T23:59:59-0000",
  "time_zone": "UTC",
  "total_results": {
    "total_calls": 180,
    "missed_calls": 20,
    "answered_calls": 160,
    "first_time_callers": 54,
    "average_duration": 27,
    "formatted_average_duration": "27s",
    "leads": 12
  "data": [
      "date": "2016-10-01",
      "total_calls": 130,
      "missed_calls": 4,
      "answered_calls": 26,
      "first_time_callers": 4,
      "average_duration": 45,
      "formatted_average_duration": "45s",
      "leads": 6
      "date": "2016-10-02",
      "total_calls": 30,
      "missed_calls": 4,
      "answered_calls": 26,
      "first_time_callers": 4,
      "average_duration": 45,
      "formatted_average_duration": "45s",
      "leads": 6
      "date": "2016-10-03",
      "total_calls": 0,
      "missed_calls": 0,
      "answered_calls": 0,
      "first_time_callers": 0,
      "average_duration": 0,
      "formatted_average_duration": "0s",
      "leads": 0
      "date": "2016-10-04",
      "total_calls": 20,
      "missed_calls": 10,
      "answered_calls": 10,
      "first_time_callers": 1,
      "average_duration": 15,
      "formatted_average_duration": "15s",
      "leads": 0
curl -H "Authorization: Token token=abc1234" \{account_id}/calls/timeseries.json?start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-10-04&interval=hour&time_zone=EST

The above command returns JSON structured like this: *Note that this returned list is a formatting example only; it is not a full representation of the returned results for a full 24 hour data set.

  "start_date": "2016-10-01T00:00:00-0500",
  "end_date": "2016-10-02T23:59:59-0500",
  "time_zone": "EST",
  "total_results": {
    "total_calls": 130
  "data": [
      "date": "2016-10-01T00:00:00-0500",
      "total_calls": 0
      "date": "2016-10-01T01:00:00-0500",
      "total_calls": 0
      "date": "2016-10-01T02:00:00-0500",
      "total_calls": 0
      "date": "2016-10-01T03:00:00-0500",
      "total_calls": 0
      "date": "2016-10-01T04:00:00-0500",
      "total_calls": 0
      "date": "2016-10-01T05:00:00-0500",
      "total_calls": 0
      "date": "2016-10-01T06:00:00-0500",
      "total_calls": 5
      "date": "2016-10-01T07:00:00-0500",
      "total_calls": 20

Retrieve aggregate call data for an account or company, grouped by date. This call data can be limited to a specific date range, filtered based on a variety of criteria, and summarized in several ways.

Time series response data is intended to be displayed as a chart, and is limited to 200 data points. For larger time spans (for example: longer than 3 months), it is recommended to specify a larger interval such as week, month, or year. If hourly or daily data is needed for a longer time period, the query must be broken into multiple requests.

API Endpoints

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/calls/timeseries.json

Request Parameters

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional Accepts a Company ID. If provided, show results for calls to a single Company.
fields string optional Specify which data to return in request. Comma-separated list of the following: total_calls, missed_calls, answered_calls, first_time_callers, formatted_average_duration, leads. Defaults to total_calls.
device string optional If provided, show results for a specific device type. One of desktop, mobile or all.
interval string optional Specify the time interval to group response data. Should be one of hour, day, week, month, or year. Defaults to day.
min_duration number optional If provided, only include time series data for calls over the specified duration. An integer representing seconds should be passed.
max_duration number optional If provided, only include time series data for calls under the specified duration. An integer representing seconds should be passed.
tags string optional If provided, only return calls that have had the given tag applied. This parameter can be provided as one or more comma-separated values tags=A,B for a single tag, or one or more array parameters tags[]=A&tags[]=B.
tracker_ids string optional If provided, only return calls made to specific Trackers. This parameter must be provided as one or more array parameters. For example, tracker_ids[]=TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f&tracker_ids[]=TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d5d.
direction string optional If provided, show results for a specific call direction. One of inbound, outbound or all.
answer_status string optional If provided, show results for a specific answer status. One of answered, missed, voicemail, or all.
first_time_callers boolean optional If provided, show results for either all first time callers, or for all non-first time callers.
lead_status string optional Specify results that match a specific Lead Status. One of good_lead, not_a_lead, not_scored.
agent number optional Accepts a User ID. If provided, show results for calls to a specific Agent.

Date Request Parameters

See Filtering by Date for more info

Searching is available for the following fields:

Response Fields

Name Type Description
total_results object A JSON object containing total counts of requested time series data. Summary count fields are listed below in the “Summary Data Response Fields” table.
data array An array of JSON objects containing total counts of requested time series data, ordered and grouped by date. The dates are displayed in ISO 8601 format. All time series intervals represent dates as YYYY-MM-DD, except the hour interval which includes the hour, minutes, seconds and timezone as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD. Summary count fields are listed below in the “Summary Data Response Fields” table.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following Summary Data Response fields in the table below.

To choose any or all of the below fields, provide a fields parameter. Please refer Field Selection to see an example.

ex. fields=missed_calls,answered_calls,first_time_callers,average_duration,formatted_average_duration,leads

Name Type Description
total_calls number Total number of calls in summary date range. This Summary Data response field is available by default.
missed_calls number Total number of calls that were missed in summary date range.
answered_calls number Total number of calls that were answered in summary date range.
first_time_callers number Total number of calls that were from first time callers in summary date range.
average_duration number Average duration of all calls in time series date range, integer.
formatted_average_duration string Average duration of all calls in time series date range, formatted.
leads number Total number of calls that were marked as ‘leads’ in time series date range.

Retrieving a Single Call Recording

curl -H "Authorization: Token token=abc1234" \{account_id}/calls/{call_id}/recording.json

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "url": ""

This endpoint returns a CallRail URL pointing to an MP3 recording of the specified call. The link returned does not expire in 24 hours but this does not guarantee the link will be good forever. The link is intended for playback in a client browser or downloading the file to your own storage mechanism.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/calls/{call_id}/recording.json

Request Parameters


Response Fields

Includes the following:

Name Type Description
url string A link CallRail URL to the audio file of the recording in MP3 format.

For HIPAA agencies

The above command returns JSON structured like this for HIPAA agencies:

  "url": ""

This endpoint returns a temporary URL pointing to an MP3 recording of the specified call. Because of HIPAA restrictions, the URL returned in the response is not a link. It is intended for immediate use: either playback in a client browser or downloading the file to your own storage mechanism. The URL returned will expire in about 24 hours.

You should never store the URL returned in this response. Instead, you should make a request to this endpoint whenever you need to obtain current location of this MP3. Because the underlying file may move in the future, the permanent reference to this recording is this API endpoint itself.

Response Fields

Includes the following:

Name Type Description
url string A temporary URL or permalinkpointing to the audio file of the recording in MP3 format.


Tags are labels that can be applied to help sort and categorize your calls, form submissions, and text messages. Some tags are company-dependent within your account and there’s no limit on the number of tags a company can have.

If you’re an administrator for your CallRail account, you can create a set of tags that apply to every single company in your account. These tags can only be created and edited by administrators since these tag settings apply to all companies. More than one tag can be assigned to a single call/form submission/text message and these tags will be available on your activity dashboard when a call is received.

Tags can also be applied in the following ways:

See our Call Flow feature and Tag Step for more information. For example, you can create a call tag named “Sales Call” to be applied when a caller presses option 1 to speak to Sales. Advanced Call Flows must be configured only within the CallRail web application.

Our Automation Rules feature is available to customers who subscribe to our Conversation Intelligence product. For example, you can create a call tag named “Online Ad Campaign Confirmed Appointment” and automatically apply it to calls with a source of Google Ads, when the caller says the phrase “make an appointment.”

Retrieving All Tags

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 3,
  "tags": [
      "id": 993186,
      "name": "Conversion",
      "tag_level": "company",
      "color": "gray1",
      "background_color": "green2",
      "company_id": "COM37221d54e80c4216898d2f857fc69fa0",
      "status": "enabled",
      "created_at": "2017-07-24T11:13:47.366-04:00"
      "id": 1932597,
      "name": "Sales",
      "tag_level": "company",
      "color": "gray1",
      "background_color": "blue2",
      "company_id": "COM37221d54e80c4216898d2f857fc69fa0",
      "status": "enabled",
      "created_at": "2019-04-05T13:38:36.258-04:00"
      "id": 2672419,
      "name": "Unanswered",
      "tag_level": "company",
      "color": "gray1",
      "background_color": "yellow1",
      "company_id": "COM37221d54e80c4216898d2f857fc69fa0",
      "status": "enabled",
      "created_at": "2020-10-16T16:07:35.554-04:00"

This endpoint returns a paginated array of tags within the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/tags.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination and Sorting.

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional If provided, only return tags belonging to this company.
status string optional If provided, only return tags that are enabled or disabled.
tag_level string optional If provided, only return tags at the specified level (company or account). You cannot use a filter of tag_level=account and a company_id filter in the same request.

Sorting is available for the following fields:

Response Field

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the Tag object.
name string The name of the tag formatted for display.
tag_level string Indicates whether the tag is at the account level or the company level.
color string The name reference from the available colors. See Available Colors.
background_color string The name reference from the available colors. See Available Colors.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company associated with the tag.
status string Indicates whether the tag is currently “enabled” or “disabled”.
created_at string The date and time the tag was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.

Creating a Tag

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "name": "Existing Customer",
           "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
           "color": "gray1"
        }' \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "1234569",
  "name": "Existing Customer",
  "tag_level": "company",
  "color": "gray1",
  "background_color": "gray1",
  "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "status": "enabled",
  "created_at": "2014-06-06T12:11:02.964-04:00"

This endpoint creates a single tag object in the target company or account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/tags.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
name string required The name of the tag formatted for display.
company_id string optional Unique identifier for the company. Required if tag_level=company or if tag_level is left blank.
color string optional The name reference from the available colors. See Available Colors.
tag_level string optional If tag_level=account, creates a tag that applies to all companies in the target account. These tags can only be created and edited by administrators since these tag settings apply to all companies. If left blank, a company-level tag will be created.

Response Fields

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the Tag object.
name string The name of the tag formatted for display.
tag_level string Indicates whether the tag is at the account level or the company level.
color string The name reference from the available colors. See Available Colors.
background_color string The name reference from the available colors. See Available Colors.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company associated with the tag.
status string Indicates whether the tag is currently “enabled” or “disabled”.
created_at string The date and time the tag was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.

Updating a Tag

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "name": "Existing Customer",
           "color": "gray1"
        }' \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "1234569",
  "name": "Existing Customer",
  "tag_level": "company",
  "color": "gray1",
  "background_color": "gray1",
  "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "status": "enabled",
  "created_at": "2014-06-06T12:11:02.964-04:00"

This endpoint updates a tag object in the target account. You can use the API to change the name or color of the tag, or change its status.

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/tags/{tag_id}.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
name string optional The name of the tag formatted for display. Editing a tag will change the tag in every place it’s currently assigned.
color string optional The name reference from the available colors. See Available Colors.
disabled string optional Indicates whether the tag should be available for use (false) or not (true). Once you disable a tag, it can’t be applied to any new interactions. It will not be removed from any interactions it’s already been applied to.

Response Fields

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the Tag object.
name string The name of the tag formatted for display.
tag_level string Indicates whether the tag is at the account level or the company level.
color string The name reference from the available colors. See Available Colors.
background_color string The name reference from the available colors. See Available Colors.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company associated with the tag.
status string Indicates whether the tag is currently enabled or disabled.
created_at string The date and time the tag was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.

Removing a Tag

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint will delete a tag. Removing a tag will remove it automatically from any call flow and interaction it’s been assigned to. You can use the Updating a Tag endpoint to disable the tag from being applied to new interactions without removing it from any interactions it was previously applied to.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/tags/{tag_id}.json


When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.

If the specified notification is not managed by the current authorized user, the response will be 403 Forbidden with the following error message.

{ "error" => "You do not have permission to perform the requested action" }

Available Colors

The Tag Color object represents the color and background color of the tag to be created.

// Create a Tag that is the color gray.
curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "name": "Existing Customer",
           "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
           "color": "gray1"
        }' \

Selecting a Color

To assign a color to a Tag, you’ll select one of the color names from the table below to set as the value of the color object.

Below is a list of all acceptable color names along with their corresponding color and background color hex codes.

Name Color Background Color Example
gray1 #464646 #e7e7e7 gray1
gray2 #ffffff #c2c2c2 gray2
blue1 #0f3778 #b5cef7 blue1
blue2 #ffffff #4583ea blue2
cyan1 #0d404a #96d7e5 cyan1
cyan2 #ffffff #23a2bd cyan2
purple1 #3d0d90 #e3d6ff purple1
purple2 #ffffff #b997ff purple2
pink1 #761e3a #fcd3e0 pink1
pink2 #9a4964 #f890b2 pink2
pink3 #6b323b #ebdbde pink3
pink4 #ffffff #cda6ac pink4
red1 #8c1b00 #f3b2a7 red1
red2 #ffffff #fe4a22 red2
orange1 #7f3306 #ffc8ad orange1
orange2 #ffffff #ff7529 orange2
orange3 #7d4900 #ffdfb2 orange3
orange4 #ffffff #ffae38 orange4
yellow1 #594d00 #fcea7c yellow1
yellow2 #694f00 #fdeebf yellow2
green1 #054f2f #b1f0d2 green1
green2 #044227 #38d790 green2
green3 #015531 #a0ddc0 green3
green4 #ffffff #00a863 green4


A company in CallRail is a separate entity within your account. Companies are where you create tracking phone numbers, configure integrations, enable email notifications, and handle specific company settings. Calls and other activities are tracked within the context of a company, and reports can be aggregated across all tracking numbers within a company. You can also restrict users’ access to specific companies to limit the data they can interact with or modify.

For example, if you’re a marketing agency looking to keep separate reports for each client you manage, you’d create a separate company for each client. Or, if you’re overseeing calls to a franchise, you can create separate companies for each franchise location.

Listing All Companies

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 250,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 3,
  "companies": [
        "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "name": "Widget Shop",
        "status": "active",
        "time_zone": "America/New_York",
        "created_at": "2016-06-06T07:06:01.000Z",
        "disabled_at": null,
        "dni_active": true,
        "script_url": "//",
        "callscribe_enabled": false,
        "lead_scoring_enabled": true,
        "swap_exclude_jquery": null,
        "swap_ppc_override": null,
        "swap_landing_override": null,
        "swap_cookie_duration": 6,
        "swap_cookie_duration_unit": "months",
        "callscore_enabled": false,
        "keyword_spotting_enabled": false,
        "form_capture": true
        "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "name": "Bob's Burger",
        "status": "active",
        "time_zone": "America/New_York",
        "created_at": "2017-06-20T09:30:08.676Z",
        "disabled_at": null,
        "dni_active": false,
        "script_url": "//",
        "callscribe_enabled": false,
        "lead_scoring_enabled": true,
        "swap_exclude_jquery": null,
        "swap_ppc_override": null,
        "swap_landing_override": null,
        "swap_cookie_duration": 30,
        "swap_cookie_duration_unit": "days", 
        "callscore_enabled": false,
        "keyword_spotting_enabled": false,
        "form_capture": true
        "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "name": "Joe's Icecream",
        "status": "active",
        "time_zone": "America/New_York",
        "created_at": "2016-06-06T07:06:01.000Z",
        "disabled_at": null,
        "dni_active": null,
        "script_url": "//",
        "callscribe_enabled": false,
        "lead_scoring_enabled": true,
        "swap_exclude_jquery": null,
        "swap_ppc_override": null,
        "swap_landing_override": null,
         "swap_cookie_duration": 6,
        "swap_cookie_duration_unit": "months",
        "callscore_enabled": false,
        "keyword_spotting_enabled": false,
        "form_capture": false

This endpoint returns a paginated array of all companies associated with the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/companies.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering.

Sorting is available for the following fields:

Filtering is available for the following:

Searching is available for the following fields:

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the company.
name string Name of the company.
status string Indicates whether the company is currently “active” or “disabled”.
time_zone string Time Zone configured for this company.
created_at string The date and time the company was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string The date and time the company was disabled in UTC (ISO 8601 format). If the company is still enabled, this value will be null.
dni_active boolean Whether or not the company has the Javascript Snippet enabled. This field will be null if the Javascript Snippet has never been installed. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.
script_url string The URL for the CallRail tracking script for this company. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.
callscore_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has CallScore enabled. See CallScore.
lead_scoring_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has manual lead scoring enabled.
swap_exclude_jquery boolean (Deprecated) CallRail’s DNI script no longer requires jQuery; this field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect.
swap_ppc_override boolean Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives via PPC.
swap_landing_override string/null Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives on a landing page containing a given param.
swap_cookie_duration integer Maximum cookie duration length. Each time a visitor browses the website, their cookie expiration dates will be updated according to this value. Visitors who clear their cookies, return after the cookie expires, or use a different web browser will be treated as new visitors. A maximum duration of 6 months is allowed.
swap_cookie_duration_unit string Unit of time for swap_cookie_duration. Can be months, weeks, or days. A maximum of 6 months is allowed.
callscribe_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has Transcripts and Call Highlights enabled. See Transcripts and Call Highlights.
keyword_spotting_enabled boolean (Deprecated) Indicates whether the company had the Keyword Spotting feature enabled. This field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect. It’s been replaced, see Automation Rules.
form_capture boolean Indicates whether the company has the external form capture feature enabled.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
verified_caller_ids array An array containing JSON objects of all verified Outbound Caller IDs for this company. Each object has a name and phone_number key/value.

Retrieving a Single Company

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

    "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "name": "Widget Shop",
    "status": "active",
    "time_zone": "America/New_York",
    "created_at": "2016-06-06T07:06:01.000Z",
    "disabled_at": null,
    "dni_active": true,
    "script_url": "//",
    "callscore_enabled": false,
    "lead_scoring_enabled": true,
    "swap_exclude_jquery": null,
    "swap_ppc_override": null,
    "swap_landing_override": null,
    "swap_cookie_duration": 6,
    "swap_cookie_duration_unit": "months",
    "callscribe_enabled": false,
    "keyword_spotting_enabled": false,
    "form_capture": true

This endpoint returns a single company object associated with the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/companies/{company_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the company.
name string Name of the company.
status string Indicates whether the company is currently “active” or “disabled”.
time_zone string Time Zone configured for this company.
created_at string The date and time the company was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string The date and time the company was disabled in UTC (ISO 8601 format). If the company is still enabled, this value will be null.
dni_active boolean Whether or not the company has the Javascript Snippet enabled. This field will be null if the Javascript Snippet has never been installed. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.
script_url string The URL for the CallRail tracking script for this company. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.
callscore_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has CallScore enabled. See CallScore.
lead_scoring_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has manual lead scoring enabled.
swap_exclude_jquery boolean (Deprecated) CallRail’s DNI script no longer requires jQuery; this field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect.
swap_ppc_override boolean Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives via PPC.
swap_landing_override string/null Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives on a landing page containing a given param.
swap_cookie_duration integer Maximum cookie duration length. Each time a visitor browses the website, their cookie expiration dates will be updated according to this value. Visitors who clear their cookies, return after the cookie expires, or use a different web browser will be treated as new visitors. A maximum duration of 6 months is allowed.
swap_cookie_duration_unit string Unit of time for swap_cookie_duration. Can be months, weeks, or days. A maximum of 6 months is allowed.
callscribe_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has Transcripts and Call Highlights enabled. See Transcripts and Call Highlights.
keyword_spotting_enabled boolean (Deprecated) Indicates whether the company had the Keyword Spotting feature enabled. This field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect. It’s been replaced, see Automation Rules.
form_capture boolean Indicates whether the company has the external form capture feature enabled.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
verified_caller_ids array An array containing JSON objects of all verified Outbound Caller IDs for this company. Each object has a name and phone_number key/value.

Creating a Company

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "name": "Widget Shop",
          "time_zone": "America/New_York"
         }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "name": "Widget Shop",
  "status": "active",
  "time_zone": "America/New_York",
  "created_at": "2017-01-26T22:58:04.184Z",
  "disabled_at": null,
  "dni_active": null,
  "script_url": "//",
  "callscribe_enabled": false,
  "lead_scoring_enabled": false,
  "swap_exclude_jquery": null,
  "swap_ppc_override": null,
  "swap_landing_override": null,
  "swap_cookie_duration": 6,
  "swap_cookie_duration_unit": "months",
  "callscore_enabled": false,
  "keyword_spotting_enabled": false

This endpoint creates a company object within the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/companies.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
name string required Company name.
time_zone string optional Time Zone configured for this company. See List of Timezones.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 CREATED.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the company.
name string Name of the company.
status string Indicates whether the company is currently “active” or “disabled”.
time_zone string Time Zone configured for this company.
created_at string The date and time the company was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string The date and time the company was disabled in UTC (ISO 8601 format). If the company is still enabled, this value will be null.
dni_active boolean Whether or not the company has the Javascript Snippet enabled. This field will be null if the Javascript Snippet has never been installed. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.
script_url string The URL for the CallRail tracking script for this company. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.
callscore_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has CallScore enabled. See CallScore.
lead_scoring_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has manual lead scoring enabled.
swap_exclude_jquery boolean (Deprecated) CallRail’s DNI script no longer requires jQuery; this field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect.
swap_ppc_override boolean Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives via PPC.
swap_landing_override string/null Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives on a landing page containing a given param.
swap_cookie_duration integer Maximum cookie duration length. Each time a visitor browses the website, their cookie expiration dates will be updated according to this value. Visitors who clear their cookies, return after the cookie expires, or use a different web browser will be treated as new visitors. A maximum duration of 6 months is allowed.
swap_cookie_duration_unit string Unit of time for swap_cookie_duration. Can be months, weeks, or days. A maximum of 6 months is allowed.
callscribe_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has Transcripts and Call Highlights enabled. See Transcripts and Call Highlights.
keyword_spotting_enabled boolean (Deprecated) Indicates whether the company had the Keyword Spotting feature enabled. This field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect. It’s been replaced, see Automation Rules.

Updating a Company

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "swap_ppc_override": "true",
          "swap_landing_override": "utm_source",
          "callscribe_enabled": true,
          "external_form_capture": true
         }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "name": "Widget Shop",
  "status": "active",
  "time_zone": "America/New_York",
  "created_at": "2017-01-26T22:58:04.184Z",
  "disabled_at": null,
  "dni_active": true,
  "script_url": "//",
  "callscribe_enabled": true,
  "lead_scoring_enabled": false,
  "swap_exclude_jquery": null,
  "swap_ppc_override": true,
  "swap_landing_override": "utm_source",
  "swap_cookie_duration": 6,
  "swap_cookie_duration_unit": "months", 
  "callscore_enabled": false,
  "keyword_spotting_enabled": false,
  "form_capture": true

This endpoint updates a company object within the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/companies/{company_id}.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
name string optional Company name.
callscore_enabled boolean optional Turns the CallScore feature on or off for this company. See CallScore.
keyword_spotting_enabled boolean optional (Deprecated) Indicates whether the company had the Keyword Spotting feature enabled. This field is available for compatibility purposes but has no effect.
callscribe_enabled boolean optional Turns the CallScribe feature on or off for this company. See CallScribe
time_zone string optional Time Zone configured for this company. See List of Timezones.
swap_exclude_jquery boolean optional (Deprecated) CallRail’s DNI script no longer requires jQuery; this field is accepted for compatibility purposes but has no effect.
swap_ppc_override boolean optional Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives via PPC.
swap_landing_override string/null optional Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives on a landing page containing a given param. To enable, pass a string with the dersired landing page parameter as the value. To disable, pass null as the value.
swap_cookie_duration integer optional Maximum cookie duration length. Each time a visitor browses the website, their cookie expiration dates will be updated according to this value. Visitors who clear their cookies, return after the cookie expires, or use a different web browser will be treated as new visitors. A maximum duration of 6 months is allowed.
swap_cookie_duration_unit string optional Unit of time for swap_cookie_duration. Can be months, weeks, or days. A maximum of 6 months is allowed.
external_form_capture boolean optional Turns external form capture feature on or off for this company.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the company.
name string Name of the company.
status string Indicates whether the company is currently “active” or “disabled”.
time_zone string Time Zone configured for this company.
created_at string The date and time the company was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string The date and time the company was disabled in UTC (ISO 8601 format). If the company is still enabled, this value will be null.
dni_active boolean Whether or not the company has the Javascript Snippet enabled. This field will be null if the Javascript Snippet has never been installed. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.
script_url string The URL for the CallRail tracking script for this company. See Installing the JavaScript Snippet.
callscore_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has CallScore enabled. See CallScore.
lead_scoring_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has manual lead scoring enabled.
swap_exclude_jquery boolean (Deprecated) CallRail’s DNI script no longer requires jQuery; this field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect.
swap_ppc_override boolean Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives via PPC.
swap_landing_override string/null Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives on a landing page containing a given param.
swap_cookie_duration integer Maximum cookie duration length. Each time a visitor browses the website, their cookie expiration dates will be updated according to this value. Visitors who clear their cookies, return after the cookie expires, or use a different web browser will be treated as new visitors. A maximum duration of 6 months is allowed.
swap_cookie_duration_unit string Unit of time for swap_cookie_duration. Can be months, weeks, or days. A maximum of 6 months is allowed.
callscribe_enabled boolean Whether or not the company has Transcripts and Call Highlights enabled. See Transcripts and Call Highlights.
keyword_spotting_enabled boolean (Deprecated) Indicates whether the company had the Keyword Spotting feature enabled. This field is returned for compatibility purposes but has no effect. It’s been replaced, see Automation Rules.
form_capture boolean Indicates whether the company has the external form capture feature enabled.

Update Multiple Companies

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{
          "company_ids": ["COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f", "COM0392748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38b254a2a"],
          "external_form_capture": true
         }' \     

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

    "updated_records": 2

CallRail’s Form Tracking product will only capture external forms if external form tracking is enabled at the company level.

If you have a need to enable or disable external form tracking in bulk, either for all or multiple companies, this endpoint allows you to do that.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/companies/bulk_update.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
company_ids array required List of string company ids to configure the ignored fields for. Passing ["all"] instead of ids will apply the ignored fields to all companies in the target account
external_form_capture boolean optional Turns external form capture feature on or off for this company.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
updated_records integer Number of affected records.

Disabling a Company

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint disables a Company object in the target company. If you disable a company all the tracking phone numbers will be disabled and the swap.js script will be deactivated.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/companies/{company_id}.json


When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.

If an Account has only one company, then that company cannot be disabled. Attempting to do this will return the following error message.

{ error: 'You must have at least one active company.' }

Form Submissions

If you’ve included the dynamic number insertion script in your website and have form tracking enabled for your company in the CallRail application, this endpoint allows you programmatic access to those form submissions.

Listing All Form Submissions

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command return JSON structured object like this:

    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 2,
    "total_pages": 75,
    "total_records": 150,
    "form_submissions": [
            "id": "FOR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
            "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
            "person_id": "anonymous",
            "form_data": {
                "name": "Graham Armstrong",
                "email": "",
                "phone": "(999) 999-9999",
                "contact_method": "call",
                "best_time_to_call": "evening"
            "form_url": "",
            "landing_page_url": "",
            "referrer": "",
            "referring_url": "",
            "submitted_at": "2017-11-17T07:46:28.000Z",
            "first_form": false,
            "customer_phone_number": "+19999999999",
            "customer_name": "Graham Armstrong",
            "customer_email": "",
            "formatted_customer_phone_number": "999-999-9999",
            "formatted_customer_name": "Graham Armstrong",
            "source": "Google Ads",
            "keywords": "pediatric dentist",
            "campaign": "back_to_school",
            "medium": "CPC",
            "milestones": {
               "first_touch": {
                    "event_date": "2017-10-22T19:41:45.183-04:00",
                    "ad_position": null,
                    "campaign": "back_to_school",
                    "device": "desktop",
                    "keywords": "pediatric dentist",
                    "landing": "",
                    "landing_page_url_params": {
                         "campaign": "back_to_school",
                         "keywords": "pediatric dentist",
                         "gclid": "12345abgdef"
                    "match_type": null,
                    "medium": "cpc",
                    "referrer": "",
                    "referrer_url_params": {},
                    "session_browser": "Chrome",
                    "url_utm_params": {},
                    "source": "Google Ads"
               "lead_created": {
                    "event_date": "2017-10-22T19:41:45.183-04:00",
                    "ad_position": null,
                    "campaign": "back_to_school",
                    "device": "desktop",
                    "keywords": "pediatric dentist",
                    "landing": "",
                    "landing_page_url_params": {
                         "campaign": "back_to_school",
                         "keywords": "pediatric dentist",
                         "gclid": "12345abgdef"
                    "match_type": null,
                    "medium": "cpc",
                    "referrer": "",
                    "referrer_url_params": {},
                    "session_browser": "Chrome",
                    "url_utm_params": {},
                    "source": "Google Ads"
                "qualified": {
                    "event_date": "2017-10-22T19:41:45.183-04:00",
                    "ad_position": null,
                    "campaign": "back_to_school",
                    "device": "desktop",
                    "keywords": "pediatric dentist",
                    "landing": "",
                    "landing_page_url_params": {
                         "campaign": "back_to_school",
                         "keywords": "pediatric dentist",
                         "gclid": "12345abgdef"
                    "match_type": null,
                    "medium": "cpc",
                    "referrer": "",
                    "referrer_url_params": {},
                    "session_browser": "Chrome",
                    "url_utm_params": {},
                    "source": "Google Ads"
               "last_touch": {
               "event_date": "2017-11-17T07:46:28.000-04:00",
               "ad_position": null,
               "campaign": null,
               "device": "desktop",
               "keywords": null,
               "landing": "",
               "landing_page_url_params": {},
               "match_type": null,
               "medium": "organic",
               "referrer": "",
               "referrer_url_params": {},
               "session_browser": "Chrome",
               "url_utm_params": {},
               "source": "Google Organic"
            "id": "FOR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
            "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
            "person_id": "PER8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
            "form_data": {
                "name": "Veronica Auer",
                "email": "",
                "phone": "888-888-8888",
                "contact_method": "email",
                "best_time_to_call": "evening"
            "form_url": "",
            "landing_page_url": "",
            "referrer": "google_organic",
            "referring_url": "",
            "submitted_at": "2017-12-02T12:30:09.000Z",
            "first_form": false,
            "customer_phone_number": "+18888888888",
            "customer_name": "Veronica Auer",
            "customer_email": "",
            "formatted_customer_phone_number": "888-888-8888",
            "formatted_customer_name": "Veronica Auer",
            "source": "Google Organic",
            "keywords": null,
            "campaign": null,
            "medium": "organic",
            "milestones": {
               "first_touch": {
                    "event_date": "2017-10-22T19:41:45.183-04:00",
                    "ad_position": null,
                    "campaign": null,
                    "device": "desktop",
                    "keywords": null,
                    "landing": "",
                    "landing_page_url_params": {
                         "network": "g"
                    "match_type": null,
                    "medium": "organic",
                    "referrer": "",
                    "referrer_url_params": {},
                    "session_browser": "Chrome",
                    "url_utm_params": {},
                    "source": "Google Organic"
               "lead_created": {
                    "event_date": "2017-10-22T19:41:45.183-04:00",
                    "ad_position": null,
                    "campaign": null,
                    "device": "desktop",
                    "keywords": null,
                    "landing": "",
                    "landing_page_url_params": {
                         "network": "g"
                    "match_type": null,
                    "medium": "organic",
                    "referrer": "",
                    "referrer_url_params": {},
                    "session_browser": "Chrome",
                    "url_utm_params": {},
                    "source": "Google Organic"
                "qualified": {
                    "event_date": null,
                    "ad_position": null,
                    "campaign": null,
                    "device": null,
                    "keywords": null,
                    "landing": null,
                    "landing_page_url_params": {},
                    "match_type": null,
                    "medium": null,
                    "referrer": null,
                    "referrer_url_params": {},
                    "session_browser": null,
                    "url_utm_params": {},
                    "source": null
               "last_touch": {
               "event_date": "2017-12-02T12:30:09.000-04:00",
               "ad_position": null,
                    "campaign": null,
                    "device": "desktop",
                    "keywords": null,
                    "landing": "",
                    "landing_page_url_params": {
                         "network": "g"
                    "match_type": null,
                    "medium": "organic",
                    "referrer": "",
                    "referrer_url_params": {},
                    "session_browser": "Chrome",
                    "url_utm_params": {},
                    "source": "Google Organic"

This endpoint returns a paginated array of all form submissions associated with the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/form_submissions.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination, Sorting, Filtering, and Field Selection

Sorting is available for the following fields:

Filtering is available for the following categories:

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the form submission.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company associated with the form submission.
person_id string Unique identifier for the person associated with the form submission.
form_data object Object that captures all of the form fields and values
form_url string The URL that the form was submitted to
landing_page_url string The URL that the user landed on from the referring entity
referrer string Name of the referring entity, e.g. google_paid.
referring_url string URL for the referring entity
submitted_at timestamp Server time when the form was submitted. This is assigned by the CallRail app.
first_form boolean Indicates whether this is the first form submitted from a person.
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
customer_name string The customer’s name.
customer_email string The customer’s email.
formatted_customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number formatted for display.
formatted_customer_name string The customer’s name with certain values stylized for display.
source string The marketing source that led to the form submission.
keywords string The keywords the visitor searched for. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources.
campaign string The name of the campaign the form submission belongs to.
medium string “PPC” or “Organic”.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
company_name string The name of the company the form submission belongs to.
lead_status string The current lead status for the form submission. One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null.
value integer A number representing the monetary value of this form.
note string Note associated with the form submission.
tags array Array of tags that have been applied to the form submission.
utm_source string utm_source as captured from the landing page parameter.
utm_medium string utm_medium as captured from the landing page parameter.
utm_campaign string utm_campaign as captured from the landing page parameter.
form_name string The name of the Custom Form responsible for the form capture, where applicable.
timeline_url string A link to the lead’s timeline, which displays the web sessions and touchpoints a lead had on your website before, during, and after submitting a form. For more information, see our support article on Caller Timelines.
milestones object An object describing the attribution data associated with the lead’s milestones. For more information, see our support article on Attribution Modeling.
milestones: first_touch object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The First Touch milestone is the first time a customer engages with your company. For example, if they click a PPC ad that takes them to a landing page or they are called by a sales representative on your team. This is the first time a customer interacts with your company.
milestones: lead_created object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Lead Creation milestone is the last source before a customer calls, texts, or submits a form and becomes known to your business as a new lead. For example, if a customer clicks on one of your Google Ads PPC ads and then submits a form on your landing page, their Lead Creation milestone would be that PPC ad because it caused them to submit a form.
milestones: qualified object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Qualified milestone is the last source before a customer becomes scored as a qualified lead.
milestones: last_touch object Automatically included when you request the milestones object. The Last Touch milestone is the last source before the current action. For example, if a customer clicks on a Google PPC add and then calls the tracking number on your website, and then later navigates back to your website via the Google search results page and submits a form, their First Touch source would be Google Ads and the Last Touch source for their form submission would be Google Organic.

Creating a form submission

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
       -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "form_submission": {
            "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
            "referrer": "wikipedia_link",
            "referring_url": "",
            "landing_page_url": "",
            "form_url": "",
            "form_data": {
              "phone_number": "5555555555",
              "report": "Carmen stole the Liberty Bell.",
              "last_sighting": "Near Washington D.C."
        }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

        "id": "FOR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "person_id": "PER8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "form_data": {
        "phone_number": "5555555555",
        "report": "Carmen stole the Liberty Bell.",
        "last_sighting": "Near Washington D.C."
    "form_url": "",
    "landing_page_url": "",
    "referrer": "wikipedia_link",
    "referring_url": "",
    "submitted_at": "2018-02-13T17:03:33.018Z",
    "first_form": false

You can use the API to create form submissions for a given company. The app will attempt to parse out any phone numbers in the form data, and use that phone number to create or find a customer to associate with the form submission.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/form_submissions.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string required Unique identifier for the company associated with the form submission.
referrer string required Name of the referring entity, e.g. google_paid.
referring_url string required URL for the referring entity
landing_page_url string required The page that user landed on from the referring entity
form_url string required The URL that the form was submitted to
form_data object required Object that captures all of the form fields and values

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the form submission.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company associated with the form submission.
person_id string Unique identifier for the person associated with the form submission.
form_data object Object that captures all of the form fields and values
form_url string The URL that the form was submitted to
landing_page_url string The page that user landed on from the referring entity
referrer string Name of the referring entity, e.g. google_paid.
referring_url string URL for the referring entity
submitted_at timestamp Server time when the form was submitted. This is assigned by the CallRail app.
first_form boolean Indicates whether this is the first form submitted from a person.

Updating a Form Submission

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -v \
     -d '{
           "note": "Call customer back tomorrow",
           "tags": ["New Client"],
           "lead_status": "good_lead",
           "value": "$1.00",
           "append_tags": true
           }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

        "id": "FOR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "person_id": "PER8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "form_data": {
        "phone_number": "5555555555",
        "report": "Carmen stole the Liberty Bell.",
        "last_sighting": "Near Washington D.C."
    "form_url": "",
    "landing_page_url": "",
    "referrer": "wikipedia_link",
    "referring_url": "",
    "submitted_at": "2018-02-13T17:03:33.018Z",
    "first_form": false

This endpoint updates a form submission object in the target account. You can use the API to add a Tag or a Note to a form submission, to set the form submission’s lead status, or to add a monetary value to the form submission.

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/form_submissions/{form_submission_id}.json

Request Body

When updating a form submission, the following fields may be included in the request body. If a field is not included, its value will not be changed. If it is included but is null or a blank string, the field will be cleared.

Name Type Required? Description
tags array optional Array of tag names to associate with this form submission. See the documentation for Tag. New tags will be created if the request contains a tag that doesn’t exist in the company currently.
note string optional Any text notes to associate with this form submission.
value string optional A number representing the monetary value of this form submission. This can be formatted with or without a dollar sign. Both “$1.00” and “1.00” are acceptable.
lead_status string optional A string representing a valid lead status. One of "good_lead", "not_a_lead", or null. If a form submission has a lead status of "previously_marked_good_lead", attempting to set the lead_status to "good_lead" will result in a 400 error.
append_tags boolean optional When set to true, any tags passed in the parameters will be added to the tags already present on the form submission. When set to false or not specified, any tags passed in the parameters will replace tags already present on the form submission.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the form submission.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company associated with the form submission.
person_id string Unique identifier for the person associated with the form submission.
form_data object Object that captures all of the form fields and values
form_url string The URL that the form was submitted to
landing_page_url string The page that user landed on from the referring entity
referrer string Name of the referring entity, e.g. google_paid.
referring_url string URL for the referring entity
submitted_at timestamp Server time when the form was submitted. This is assigned by the CallRail app.
first_form boolean Indicates whether this is the first form submitted from a person.
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
customer_name string The customer’s name, as reported by Caller ID.
formatted_customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number formatted for display.
formatted_customer_name string The customer’s name with certain values stylized for display.
source string The marketing source that led to the form submission.
keywords string The keywords the visitor searched for. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources.
campaign string The name of the campaign the form submission belongs to.
medium string The medium associated with the form submission. Most commonly “PPC”, “direct”, or “Organic”.

Ignoring Form Fields

CallRail’s Form Tracking product will automatically exclude sensitive information, and we don’t capture or store passwords or credit card information in your form submissions or our database.

If there are other specific fields on your form that you’d like us to exclude, this endpoint allows you to create form fields that will be ignored for future form submissions, as well as retroactively removing the ignored fields from previous form submissions.

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
       -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "company_ids": [1234567, 89101112],
           "field_names": ["field_1", "field_2"]
        }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "message": "Ingored form fields created"

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/form_submissions/ignored_fields.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
company_ids array required List of integer company ids to configure the ignored fields for. Passing ["all"] instead of ids will apply the ignored fields to all companies in the target account
field_names array required List of field names to ignore when capturing form submissions

Summarizing Form Data

curl -H "Authorization: Token token=abc1234" \{account_id}/forms/summary.json?fields=total_forms,first_forms,leads&group_by=source

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


Return summarized Form data for an Agency or for a Company. This Form Summary data can be limited to a specific date range, can be filtered based on a variety of criteria, and can be grouped by source, keywords, campaign, referrer, landing_page, form_name or company. Grouping by company is only available when using the account-level endpoint.

API Endpoints

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/forms/summary.json

Request Parameters

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional Accepts a Company ID. If provided, show results for forms to a single Company.
group_by string optional If provided, group call summary data by specific characteristic. One of source, keywords, campaign, referrer, landing_page, form_name or company (Note: company is only available for the Agency-level endpoint)
fields string optional Specify which data to return in request. Comma-separated list of the following: total_forms, first_forms, leads. Defaults to total_forms
tags string optional If provided, only return forms that have had the given tag applied. This parameter can be provided as one or more comma-separated values tags=A,B for a single tag, or one or more array parameters tags[]=A&tags[]=B.
custom_form_ids string optional If provided, only return forms made to specific custom forms. This parameter can be provided as one or more comma-separated values custom_form_ids=FORca9e613babbb48b5b984a8732a25d1f8,FORca0e724babbb59b5b984a8733a36d2f0, or one or more array parameters custom_form_ids[]=FORca9e613babbb48b5b984a8732a25d1f8&custom_form_ids[]=FORca0e724babbb59b5b984a8733a36d2f0.
form_URL string optional The URL the form was submitted to.
lead_status string optional Specify results that match a specific Lead Status. One of good_lead, not_a_lead, not_scored.

Date Request Parameters

See Filtering by Date for more info

Response Fields

Name Type Description
total_results object A JSON object containing total counts of requested summary data. Summary count fields are listed below in the “Summary Data Response Fields” table.
grouped_by string If provided, this field contains the group_by value passed into the initial request for summary data.
grouped_results array An array of JSON objects containing total counts of requested summary data, grouped by the group_by parameter. Summary count fields are listed below in the “Summary Data Response Fields” table.

Summary Data Response Fields

Name Type Description
total_forms number Total number of forms in summary criteria range.
first_forms number Total number of form submissions that were first time form submissions in summary criteria range.
leads number Total number of forms that were marked as ‘leads’ in summary criteria range.


An integration in CallRail is a resource that can be used to facilitate communication between CallRail and third-party services.
The Listing All Integrations and Retrieving a Single integration endpoints will return all relevant integrations. When creating and/or updating an integration using the Creating an integration and/or Updating an Integration endpoints, the only 2 types that are supported are webhooks and custom. Other integration types require authorization via OAuth/login and/or the population of configuration data that is best collected in the application UI.

Customers can utilize ‘Webhook’ integrations to send data from CallRail to outside sources, and ‘Custom’ integrations to capture custom cookie data from web visitors and associate it with calls in CallRail. You can learn more in our support documentation for Webhooks and Custom Cookie Capture. A single company in CallRail can have one of each integration type.

Listing All Integrations

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 3,
  "integrations": [
      "id": 5,
      "config": {
        "api_key": "12345"
      "state": "disabled",
      "type": "GoogleAnalytics"
      "id": 10,
      "config": {
        "api_key": "12345"
      "state": "active",
      "type": "Slack"
      "id": 4,
      "config": {
        "pre_call_webhook": [""]
      "state": "active",
      "type": "Webhooks"

This endpoint returns a paginated array of all Integrations within the target company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/integrations.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination.

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string required Ensures results contain integrations belonging to a single company.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the integration object.
type string The type of integration represented by the object.
state string The current state of the integrations. One of “active”, “disabled”, “pending”, or “failed”.
config object An object containing specific information about the configuration for the integration. The contents of this object will vary depending on the integration type.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
signing_key string If the integration type is Webhooks, the signing_key field will be included in the payload. This contains the secret token to be used in validating payloads as described in Webhooks Security.

Retrieving a Single Integration

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": 4,
  "config": {
    "pre_call_webhook": [""]
  "state": "active",
  "type": "Webhooks"

This endpoint returns a single Integration object in the target company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/integrations/{integration_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the integration object.
type string The type of integration represented by the object.
state string The current state of the integrations. One of “active”, “disabled”, “pending”, or “failed”.
config object An object containing specific information about the configuration for the integration. The contents of this object will vary depending on the integration type.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
signing_key string If the integration type is Webhooks, the signing_key field will be included in the payload. This contains the secret token to be used in validating payloads as described in Webhooks Security.

Creating an Integration

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "type": "Webhooks",
          "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
          "config": {
            "pre_call_webhook": [""]
        }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": 4,
  "type": "Webhooks",
  "state": "active",
  "config": {
    "pre_call_webhook": [""]
  "signing_key": "5f3d3ebe065cd800b8c154347437e958"

You can use the API to create and activate a new instance of an integration for a company. A company may only have a single integration of a given type. Currently the only types that can be created via the API are ‘Webhooks’ and ‘Custom’ integrations. Other integration types require authorization via OAuth/login and/or the population of configuration data that is best collected in the application UI, so they are not supported in this endpoint.

Customers can utilize ‘Webhook’ integrations to send data from CallRail to outside sources, and ‘Custom’ integrations to capture custom cookie data from web visitors and associate it with calls in CallRail. You can learn more in our support documentation for Webhooks and Custom Cookie Capture. A single company in CallRail can have one of each integration type.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/integrations.json

Request Body

Name Type Description
company_id string Unique identifier for the integration object.
type string The type of integration represented by the object. One of “Webhooks” or “Custom”.
config object An object containing specific information about the configuration for the integration. The contents of this object will vary depending on the integration type. See the documentation for Integration Configuration.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the integration object.
type string The type of integration represented by the object.
state string The current state of the integrations. One of “active”, “disabled”, “pending”, or “failed”.
config object An object containing specific information about the configuration for the integration. The contents of this object will vary depending on the integration type.
signing_key string If the integration type is Webhooks, the signing_key field will be included in the payload. This contains the secret token to be used in validating payloads as described in Webhooks Security. Please store this value for future use.

Updating an Integration

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "state": "active",
          "config": {
            "pre_call_webhook": [""]
         }' \

The above command activates an existing integration and updates the configuration.

  "id": 4,
  "config": {
    "pre_call_webhook": [""]
  "state": "active",
  "type": "Webhooks"

You can use the API to update an instance of an integration for a company. A company may only have a single integration of a given type. Currently, the only types that can be created and updated via the API are ‘Webhooks’ and ‘Custom’ integrations. Other integration types require authorization via OAuth/login and/or the population of configuration data that is best collected in the application UI, so they are not supported in this endpoint.

Customers can utilize ‘Webhook’ integrations to send data from CallRail to outside sources, and ‘Custom’ integrations to capture custom cookie data from web visitors and associate it with calls in CallRail. You can learn more in our support documentation for Webhooks and Custom Cookie Capture. A single company in CallRail can have one of each integration type.

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT v3/a/{account_id}/integrations/{integration_id}.json

Request Body

Name Type Description
state string A valid integration state. One of “active”, or “disabled”.
config object An object containing specific information about the configuration for the integration. The contents of this object will vary depending on the integration type. See the documentation for Integration Configuration.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the integration object.
type string The type of integration represented by the object.
state string The current state of the integrations. One of “active”, “disabled”, “pending”, or “failed”.
config object An object containing specific information about the configuration for the integration. The contents of this object will vary depending on the integration type.

Disabling an Integration

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint disables an Integration object in the target company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/integrations/{integration_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.

Configuring Integrations

Integration Configuration Object

Each Integration type has it’s own specific configuration format. When creating or updating an integration via the API, you should provide the appropriate configuration format for that integration type.

Webhook Configuration Object

When creating a Webhooks Integration, the fields below may be provided in the config object. Each field accepts an array of valid URLs.

Example: [“”, “”]

Name Type Required? Description
pre_call_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Pre-Call event.
answered_call_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Call Routing Complete event.
post_call_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Post-Call event.
updated_call_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Call Modified event.
sms_received_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Text Message Received event.
sms_sent_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Text Message Sent event.
form_captured_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Form Submission event.
post_outbound_call_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Outbound Post-Call event.
updated_outbound_call_webhook array optional List of URLs to be notified for the Outbound Call Modified event.

When creating a Custom Cookie Capture Integration, the field below should be provided in the config object. This field accepts an array of cookie names.

Example: [“_ga”, “mycookie31”]

Name Type Required? Description
grab_cookies array required List of cookie names to associate with user sessions.

Integration Filters

Integration filters are criteria that can be applied to integrations to limit the kinds of data or events that are shipped to third-party services. For more details, see our support documentation.

For more details on the integrations we offer and how they work, see the API docs or our support documentation.

Each integration can have a single associated integration filter. Since integration filters reduce or scope the data for external integrations, they must be associated with an existing active integration. Accordingly, the integration will be sideloaded when displaying the integration filters as JSON.

An optional default integration filter can be defined for a company. This default filter applies to all integrations that do not have a specific integration filter defined. If an integration filter is specified for an integration, it will override the default filter settings for that integration.

The individual attributes of integration filter are additive. Creating a filter for first calls longer than 10s will only trigger integrations for calls that match both attributes. A null value on an integration filter attribute indicates that attribute is not being used as a filter criteria.

Listing All Integration Filters

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 3,
  "integration_criteria": [
      "id": 2,
      "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "integration_id": null,
      "tracker_ids": [],
      "call_type": null,
      "min_duration": null,
      "max_duration": null,
      "lead_status": 1,
      "integration": {
        "id": null,
        "type": "All (Default Integration Trigger)"
      "id": 26,
      "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "integration_id": 219,
      "tracker_ids": ["TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d5d"],
      "call_type": null,
      "min_duration": 1,
      "max_duration": 11,
      "lead_status": null,
      "integration": {
        "id": 219,
        "type": "Custom"
      "id": 34,
      "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "integration_id": 247,
      "tracker_ids": ["TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f"],
      "call_type": "first_call",
      "min_duration": 3,
      "max_duration": null,
      "lead_status": null,
      "integration": {
        "id": 247,
        "type": "Webhooks"

This endpoint returns a paginated array of all the integration filters and their associated integrations.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/integration_triggers.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination.

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string required Ensures results contain integration filters and integrations belonging to a single company.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the integration filter object.
company_id string The unique ID for the company associated with the integration filter.
integration_id integer The unique ID for the integration associated with the integration filter.
tracker_ids array(strings) The list of tracker IDs the integration filter is scoped to, if applicable.
call_type string The type of calls which will activate the integration filter. Can be one of: null, first_call, vm, missed_and_vm, where vm indicates voicemail.
min_duration integer The minimum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
max_duration integer The maximum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
lead_status integer The lead status that will activate the integration filter. Can be either good_lead or not_a_lead.
integration object An object describing the attributes of the integration associated with the integration filter.

Creating an Integration Filter

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
          "integration_id": 219,
          "tracker_ids": ["TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d5d"],
          "call_type": null,
          "min_duration": 1,
          "max_duration": 11,
          "lead_status": null,
        }' \

The above command returns a JSON object like this:

  "id": 34,
  "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "integration_id": 219,
  "tracker_ids": ["TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d5d"],
  "call_type": "first_call",
  "min_duration": 3,
  "max_duration": null,
  "lead_status": null,
  "integration": {
    "id": 219,
    "type": "Webhooks"

You can use the API to create a single integration filter for each integration. Not every type of integration can be configured with a filter; the API will return a helpful error in those cases indicating the incompatibility.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/integration_triggers.json

Request Body

Name Type Description
company_id string The unique ID for the company associated with the integration filter.
integration_id integer The unique ID for the integration associated with the integration filter.
tracker_ids array(strings) The list of tracker IDs the integration filter is scoped to, if applicable.
call_type string The type of calls which will activate the integration filter. Can be one of: null, first_call, vm, missed_and_vm. (vm => voicemail)
min_duration integer The minimum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
max_duration integer The maximum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
lead_status integer The lead status that will activate the integration filter. Can be either good_lead or not_a_lead.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the integration filter object.
company_id string The unique ID for the company associated with the integration filter.
integration_id integer The unique ID for the integration associated with the integration filter.
tracker_ids array(strings) The list of tracker IDs the integration filter is scoped to, if applicable.
call_type string The type of calls which will activate the integration filter. Can be one of: null, first_call, vm, missed_and_vm, where vm indicates voicemail.
min_duration integer The minimum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
max_duration integer The maximum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
lead_status integer The lead status that will activate the integration filter. Can be either good_lead or not_a_lead.
integration object An object describing the attributes of the integration associated with the integration filter.

The API will return 400 Bad Request with a helpful message if a integration filter already exists when attempting to create a new filter for a given integration.

Retrieving a Single Integration Filter

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

      "id": 34,
      "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "integration_id": 247,
      "tracker_ids": ["TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d5d"],
      "call_type": "first_call",
      "min_duration": 3,
      "max_duration": null,
      "lead_status": null,
      "integration": {
        "id": 247,
        "type": "Webhooks"

This endpoint returns a single integration filter object in the target company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/integration_triggers/{integration_triggers_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the integration filter object.
company_id string The unique ID for the company associated with the integration filter.
integration_id integer The unique ID for the integration associated with the integration filter.
tracker_ids array(strings) The list of tracker IDs the integration filter is scoped to, if applicable.
call_type string The type of calls which will activate the integration filter. Can be one of: null, first_call, vm, missed_and_vm, where vm indicates voicemail.
min_duration integer The minimum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
max_duration integer The maximum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
lead_status integer The lead status that will activate the integration filter. Can be either good_lead or not_a_lead.
integration object An object describing the attributes of the integration associated with the integration filter.

Updating an Integration Filter

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "call_type": "vm",
          "min_duration": 10
         }' \

The above command updates an existing integration filter

  "id": 34,
  "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "integration_id": 219,
  "tracker_ids": ["TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d5d"],
  "call_type": "vm",
  "min_duration": 10,
  "max_duration": null,
  "lead_status": null,
  "integration": {
    "id": 219,
    "type": "Webhooks"

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT v3/a/{account_id}/integration_triggers/{integration_trigger_id}.json

Request Body

Name Type Description
tracker_ids array(strings) The integration filter is scoped to the tracker ids present in this array.
call_type string The type of calls which will activate the integration filter. Can be one of: null, first_call, vm, missed_and_vm. (vm => voicemail)
min_duration string The minimum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
max_duration string The maximum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
lead_status integer The lead status that will activate the integration filter. Can be either good_lead or not_a_lead.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the integration filter object.
company_id string The unique ID for the company associated with the integration filter.
integration_id integer The unique ID for the integration associated with the integration filter.
tracker_ids array(strings) The list of tracker IDs the integration filter is scoped to, if applicable.
call_type string The type of calls which will activate the integration filter. Can be one of: null, first_call, vm, missed_and_vm, where vm indicates voicemail.
min_duration integer The minimum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
max_duration integer The maximum duration in seconds that will activate the integration filter.
lead_status integer The lead status that will activate the integration filter. Can be either good_lead or not_a_lead.
integration object An object describing the attributes of the integration associated with the integration filter.

Deleting an Integration Filter

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint deletes an integration filter object in the target company. The integration will continue to function as configured, without any filtering of call records.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/integration_triggers/{integration_triggers_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.


The notifications endpoint configures user alerts sent on incoming calls and text messages. Each notification record is set for a specific user, and is limited to either a specific tracker, all trackers in a company, or all trackers in the target account. Each record indicates if it is active for calls, text messages, or both. Finally, each record indicates one or more notification channels: email, push notifications to mobile devices, or browser-based desktop notifications.

For notification records configured for calls, the alerts can be further filtered by type of call. Users can opt to receive notifications for all calls, only for first-time callers, only for voicemails, or for voicemails and missed calls.

Listing All Notifications

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \
     -d '{
          "user_id" : "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f"
        }' \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 2,
  "notifications": [
      "id": 100,
      "user_id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "alert_type": "all",
      "call_enabled": true,
      "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "All Calls and All Texts for Katherine's Ice Cream",
      "send_desktop": false,
      "send_email": true,
      "send_push": false,
      "sms_enabled": true,
      "tracker_id": null
      "id": 101,
      "user_id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "alert_type": "all",
      "call_enabled": true,
      "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "All Calls and All Texts for Google Organic",
      "send_desktop": false,
      "send_email": true,
      "send_push": true,
      "sms_enabled": true,
      "tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f"

This endpoint returns a paginated array of notifications within the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/notifications.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination.

Filtering is available for the following:

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
user_id string optional List notifications for the specified user.
email string optional List notifications for the specified email-only user.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id number Unique identifier for the notification.
user_id string Unique identifier for the user configured to receive these notifications.
email string Email address for the email-only user configured to receive these notifications.
alert_type string When call alerts are enabled, applies a filter for alerts based on call type. One of “all”, “first_call”, “missed_and_vm”, “vm_only”.
call_enabled boolean Whether or not call alerts are enabled.
company_id string This notification is limited to this specific company. If null, this notification applies for all companies within the account.
name string Describes the configuration setup of the notification.
send_desktop boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via the desktop web application.
send_email boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via email.
send_push boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via mobile push notification.
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not alerts are enabled for incoming text messages.
tracker_id string This notification is limited to this specific tracker. If null, this notification applies for all trackers.

Creating a Notification

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "user_id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
          "tracker_id" : "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
          "send_email" : true,
          "send_push" : true,
          "send_desktop" : true,
          "alert_type" : "vm_only",
          "sms_enabled" : true,
          "call_enabled" : true
        }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": 127,
  "user_id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "alert_type": "vm_only",
  "call_enabled": true,
  "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "company_name": "Katherine's Ice Cream",
  "send_desktop": true,
  "send_email": true,
  "send_push": true,
  "sms_enabled": true,
  "tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "tracker_name": "Google Organic"

Creating a notification configures an alert to be sent to the specified user for specific events within CallRail. Users can configure as many notifications as necessary using the available filtering and configuration options provided.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/notifications.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
user_id string Optional Indicates the user to receive these notifications. If neither an email or user_id is specified in the request, the notification will be assigned to the authorized user.
email string Optional Indicates the email-only user to receive these notifications. If the notification is being created for an email-only user, a company_id or tracker_id must also be specified and only a type of send_email is allowed. If neither an email or user_id is specified in the request, the notification will be assigned to the authorized user.
agent_id string Optional Limit this notification to calls/sms to the specified agent. If not specified, this notification is not limited by agent. This field does not assign the notification to the agent. To assign a notification to a specific user, use the user_id field.
company_id string Optional Limit this notification to the specified company. If not specified, this notification is not limited by company.
tracker_id string Optional Limit this notification to the specified tracker. If not specified, this notification is not limited by tracker.
call_enabled boolean Optional Whether or not notifications are enabled for incoming calls. When enabled, alert_type becomes required.
sms_enabled boolean Optional Whether or not notifications are enabled for incoming text messages.
alert_type string Optional Selects the type of call that triggers this notification. One of “all”, “first_call”, “missed_and_vm”, “vm_only”. Required when call_enabled is true.
send_desktop boolean Optional Whether or not notifications will be sent via the desktop web application.
send_email boolean Optional Whether or not notifications will be sent via email.
send_push boolean Optional Whether or not notifications will be sent via mobile push notification.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id number Unique identifier for the notification.
user_id string Unique identifier for the user configured to receive these notifications.
email string Email address for the email-only user configured to receive these notifications.
agent_id string This notification is limited to calls/sms to this specific agent. If null, this notification applies for all agents.
agent_name string Name of the agent, if specified.
alert_type string When call alerts are enabled, applies a filter for alerts based on call type. One of “all”, “first_call”, “missed_and_vm”, “vm_only”.
call_enabled boolean Whether or not call alerts are enabled.
company_id string This notification is limited to this specific company. If null, this notification applies for all companies within the account.
company_name string Name of the configured company, if specified.
name string Describes the configuration setup of the notification.
send_desktop boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via the desktop web application.
send_email boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via email.
send_push boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via mobile push notification.
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not alerts are enabled for incoming text messages.
tracker_id string This notification is limited to this specific tracker. If null, this notification applies for all trackers.
tracker_name string Name of the configured tracker, if specified.

Updating a Notification

This endpoint allows you to update a user’s notification. Only the certain settings may be modified. To change the scope or user, delete the record and create a new one.

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          call_enabled: false,
          sms_enabled: true
        }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": 127,
  "user_id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "alert_type": "vm_only",
  "call_enabled": false,
  "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "company_name": "Katherine's Ice Cream",
  "send_desktop": true,
  "send_email": true,
  "send_push": true,
  "sms_enabled": true,
  "tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "tracker_name": "Google Organic"

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/notifications/{notification_id}.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string Optional Limit this notification to the specified company. If not specified, this notification is not limited by company.
tracker_id string Optional Limit this notification to the specified tracker. If not specified, this notification is not limited by tracker.
call_enabled boolean Optional Whether or not notifications are enabled for incoming calls. When enabled, “alert_type” becomes required.
sms_enabled boolean Optional Whether or not notifications are enabled for incoming text messages.
alert_type string Optional Selects the type of call that triggers this notification. One of “all”, “first_call”, “missed_and_vm”, “vm_only”. Required when call_enabled is true.
send_desktop boolean Optional Whether or not notifications will be sent via the desktop web application.
send_email boolean Optional Whether or not notifications will be sent via email.
send_push boolean Optional Whether or not notifications will be sent via mobile push notification.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id number Unique identifier for the notification.
user_id string Unique identifier for the user configured to receive these notifications.
email string Email address for the email-only user configured to receive these notifications.
agent_id string This notification is limited to calls/sms to this specific agent. If null, this notification applies for all agents.
agent_name string Name of the agent, if specified.
alert_type string When call alerts are enabled, applies a filter for alerts based on call type. One of “all”, “first_call”, “missed_and_vm”, “vm_only”.
call_enabled boolean Whether or not call alerts are enabled.
company_id string This notification is limited to this specific company. If null, this notification applies for all companies within the account.
company_name string Name of the configured company, if specified.
name string Describes the configuration setup of the notification.
send_desktop boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via the desktop web application.
send_email boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via email.
send_push boolean Whether or not the notifications will be sent via mobile push notification.
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not alerts are enabled for incoming text messages.
tracker_id string This notification is limited to this specific tracker. If null, this notification applies for all trackers.
tracker_name string Name of the configured tracker, if specified.

Removing a Notification

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint will delete a notification.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/notifications/{notification_id}.json


When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.

If the specified notification is not managed by the current authorized user, the response will be 403 Forbidden with the following error message.

{ "error" => "You do not have permission to perform the requested action" }

Outbound Caller IDs

When you make an outbound call through CallRail, you can choose any of your active tracking numbers to appear on the recipient’s caller ID. We also provide an option to show non-CallRail tracking numbers for caller ID. Before another number can be used for caller ID, you must verify that you own that phone number. This endpoint allows you to register external phone numbers and trigger verification calls to confirm ownership.

Listing All Outbound Caller ID’s

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 2,
  "caller_ids": [
      "id": 13,
      "phone_number": "+14043334455",
      "name": "Bob's Cell",
      "verified": true,
      "created_at": "2016-08-26T09:29:00.198-04:00",
      "validation_code": "906053"
      "id": 14,
      "phone_number": "+14043345566",
      "name": "Gene's Cell",
      "verified": true,
      "created_at": "2016-08-26T09:29:00.198-04:00",
      "validation_code": "916054"

This endpoint returns a paginated array of all Outbound Caller ID’s within the target company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/caller_ids.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination.

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string required If provided, only the caller IDs to belonging to this company will be returned.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the Outbound Caller ID object.
phone_number string The telephone number (in e.164 format) of the Outbound Caller ID object.
name string A descriptive name of the Caller ID formatted for display.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company.
verified boolean Whether or not the phone number has been verified in CallRail.
created_at string The date and time the Outbound Caller ID was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
validation_code string Code needed to verify ownership of the phone number to be used with the Outbound Caller ID feature.

Retrieving a Single Outbound Caller ID

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": 10,
  "phone_number": "+17704445555",
  "name": "Bob's Cell",
  "verified": true,
  "created_at": "2015-04-17T11:02:36.461-04:00",
  "validation_code": "332377"

This endpoint returns a single Outbound Caller ID object in the target company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/caller_ids/{caller_ids_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the Outbound Caller ID object.
phone_number string The telephone number (in e.164 format) of the Outbound Caller ID object.
name string A descriptive name of the Caller ID formatted for display.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company.
verified boolean Whether or not the phone number has been verified in CallRail.
created_at string The date and time the Outbound Caller ID was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
validation_code string Code needed to verify ownership of the phone number to be used with the Outbound Caller ID feature.

Creating an Outbound Caller ID

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "phone_number": "+14047704070",
          "name": "Widget Shop",
          "company_id": 213472384
         }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": 15,
  "phone_number": "19042223344",
  "name": "Bob's Cell",
  "verified": false,
  "created_at": "2017-01-18T11:43:30.188-05:00",
  "validation_code": "688107"

This endpoint creates a single Outbound Caller ID object within the target company. After a successful request to this endpoint, the specified phone number will ring and prompt for a code to be entered in order to verify the phone number. The recipient of the call will need to enter the returned validation_code on the phone’s numeric keypad. If the verification phone call is missed for any reason, a new POST request will need to be made in order to initiate the verification process again.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/caller_ids.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string required Unique identifier for the company.
phone_number string required The telephone number to be verified with the Outbound Caller ID feature.
name string required A descriptive name for the Outbound Caller ID being created.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for the Outbound Caller ID object.
phone_number string The telephone number (in e.164 format) of the Outbound Caller ID object.
name string A descriptive name of the Caller ID formatted for display.
company_id string Unique identifier for the company.
verified boolean Whether or not the phone number has been verified in CallRail.
created_at string The date and time the Outbound Caller ID was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
validation_code string Code needed to verify ownership of the phone number to be used with the Outbound Caller ID feature.

Deleting an Outbound Caller ID

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint deletes a Outbound Caller ID object in the target company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/caller_ids/{caller_ids_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.

Page Views

The call page views endpoint provides the browsing history associated with a given call. This endpoint returns web session data, like the referring URL and landing page URL associated with a call to a session tracker. These endpoints return in reverse chronological order, with the newest displaying first.

Responses will list all page views that happen before a caller dials your tracking number, regardless of whether or not the caller is a first-time caller. We won’t return the page views that occurred after the call took place.

Retrieving All Page Views For A Call

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 5,
  "page_views": [
      "referrer_url": "",
      "page_url": "",
      "created_at": "2017-03-09T10:17:29-08:00"
      "referrer_url": "",
      "page_url": "",
      "created_at": "2017-03-09T10:17:21-08:00"
      "referrer_url": "",
      "page_url": "",
      "created_at": "2017-03-09T10:17:19-08:00"
      "referrer_url": "",
      "page_url": "",
      "created_at": "2017-03-09T10:17:09-08:00"
      "referrer_url": "",
      "page_url": "",
      "created_at": "2017-03-09T10:17:00-08:00"

This endpoint returns a paginated array of page views for a given call within the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/calls/{call_id}/page_views.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination.

Response Field

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
referrer_url string The url of the referring source or website the caller was previously viewing.
page_url string The url the caller was viewing before navigating to new portion of a website or the last url visited before calling the tracking number displayed on a website.
created_at string The date and time the page view was created in ISO 8601 format.

Working with Time Zones

The CallRail API aligns all dates to the time zone specified within the account. This can be overridden for specified API requests by including a time_zone parameter. This parameter accepts any standard time zone as defined by the IANA’s TZ Database, or using the common names from the examples below.

See an additional list of Time Zones in the Getting Started section.

ex. time_zone=America/New_York

Value Description
user default
Use the default time zone for the user indicated by the current API key. This setting is configured within the application.
America/New_York Eastern Time Zone
America/Indiana/Indianapolis Indiana Time Zone
America/Chicago Central Time Zone
America/Denver Mountain Time Zone
America/Phoenix Arizona Time Zone
America/Los_Angeles Pacific Time Zone

Summary Emails

Users in your CallRail account can be configured to receive periodic activity emails. These emails include a summary of the calls received in the selected period, and can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. It is also possible to configure which sections are included in the email, as well as opt to send a CSV of calls received. This series of endpoints allows these summary emails to be configured within your account.

Listing All Summary Email Subscriptions

This endpoint lists all summary emails visible to this user. Note that only Administrator users can manage summary emails for other users. If the API Key being used does not belong to an Administrator, only the owner’s summary emails will be returned.

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 2,
  "summary_emails": [
      "id": "CSS8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "scope": {
        "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "type": "Company",
        "name": "C1"
      "frequency": ["daily", "weekly"],
      "config": {
         "summary_statistics": true,
         "top_sources": true,
         "top_keywords": true,
         "call_log": true
      "user": {
        "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "name": "Bob Smith",
        "email": ""
      "id": "CSS8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "scope": {
        "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "type": "Company",
        "name": "C1"
      "frequency": ["daily"],
      "config": {
         "summary_statistics": true,
         "top_sources": true,
         "top_keywords": true,
         "call_log": true
      "user": {
        "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "name": "Bob Smith",
        "email": ""

This endpoint returns a paginated array of summary emails within the target account or company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/summary_emails

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination and Filtering.

Name Type Required? Description
frequency array optional If provided, only return summary email records configured for the specified frequency. (“daily”, “weekly”, or “monthly”)
company_id string optional Unique identifier for the company. If left blank, Account summary email settings will be fetched.
user_id string optional If provided, only return summary email records configured for the specified email-only user.
email string optional If provided, only return summary email records configured for the specified user.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this summary email record.
scope object A short representation of the scope (either Company or Account) for which this email is configured.
frequency array The frequency at which the emails are sent. An array that can include any value of “daily”, “weekly”, or “monthly”.
config object An object that indicates which sections are included in this summary email. Keys are boolean switches for summary_statistics, top_sources, top_keywords, and call_log.
user object A short representation of the user referenced by user_id.
email object Email address for the email-only user configured to receive these notifications.

Create a Summary Email Subscription

This endpoint allows creation of a new summary email subscription. A summary email subscription represents a periodic email sent to a user with information about recent activity within a CallRail account. It can be configured for either a specific company (when company_id is present), or for all companies to which the user has access (account_id is used when company_id is absent). Summary email subscriptions for email-only users are required to define a company_id for a specific company. The frequency defines how often to send the summary email. Daily emails are sent every morning, while weekly emails are sent every Monday, and monthly emails are sent on the first of every month.

Only administrators can create summary email subscriptions for other users.

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "user_id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
          "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
          "frequency": ["weekly", "daily"],
          "filters": {
            "lead_status": "Not a Lead"
          "config": {
             "summary_statistics": true,
             "top_sources": true,
             "top_keywords": true,
             "call_log": true
        }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "CSS8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "scope": {
    "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "type": "Company",
    "name": "C1"
  "frequency": ["weekly", "daily"],
  "filters": {
    "lead_status": "Not a Lead"
  "config": {
     "summary_statistics": true,
     "top_sources": true,
     "top_keywords": true,
     "call_log": true
  "user": {
    "name": "Bob Smith",
    "email": ""

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/summary_emails.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional Unique identifier for the company. If left blank for a email only user, an error will be returned; otherwise, the summary email settings will be assigned to the Account for the specified account’s/company’s summary emails.
frequency array required The frequency at which the emails are sent. Can be one of “daily”, “weekly”, or “monthly”.
config object required An object that contains further configuration for the specified companies summary emails. This object has keys for at least one of summary_statistics, top_sources, top_keywords, and call_log, with boolean values set to true or false.
user_id string optional Indicates the user to receive these summary emails.
email string optional Indicates the email-only user to receive these summary emails. Either an email or user_id is required.
filters object optional Lead status can be one of ‘Lead’, ‘Not a Lead’, ‘Not Scored’, or ‘All’.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this summary email record.
scope object A short representation of the scope (either Company or Account) for which this email is configured.
frequency string The frequency at which the emails are sent. Can be one of “daily”, “weekly”, or “monthly”.
config object An object that indicates which sections are included in this summary email. Keys are boolean switches for summary_statistics, top_sources, top_keywords, and call_log.
user object A short representation of the user referenced by user_id.
email string Email address for the email-only user configured to receive these summary emails.

Retrieving a Summary Email Subscription

This endpoint retrieves a single summary email record.

Only records that the authenticated user has access to will be returned. Administrators may access records for all users on the account, but other user types may only access their own records.

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

    "id": "CSS8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "scope": {
      "id": "ACC8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "type": "Account",
      "name": "A1"
    "frequency": ["daily", "weekly"],
    "config": {
       "summary_statistics": true,
       "top_sources": true,
       "top_keywords": true,
       "call_log": true
    "user": {
      "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "Bob Smith",
      "email": ""

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/summary_emails/{summary_email_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this summary email record.
scope object A short representation of the scope (either Company or Account) for which this email is configured.
frequency string The frequency at which the emails are sent. An array that can include any value of “daily”, “weekly”, or “monthly”.
config object An object that indicates which sections are included in this summary email. Keys are boolean switches for summary_statistics, top_sources, top_keywords, and call_log.
user object A short representation of the user referenced by user_id.
email string Email address for the email-only user configured to receive these summary emails.

Update a Summary Email Subscription

This endpoint allows you to update a user’s summary email subscription. Only the frequency and configuration settings may be modified. To change the scope or user, delete the record and create a new one.

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "frequency": ["monthly", "weekly"],
          "config": {
             "call_log": false
        }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

    "id": "CSS8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "scope": {
      "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "type": "Company",
      "name": "C1"
    "frequency": ["monthly", "weekly"],
    "filters": {
      "lead_status": "Lead"
    "config": {
       "summary_statistics": true,
       "top_sources": true,
       "top_keywords": true,
       "call_log": false
    "user": {
      "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "Bob Smith",
      "email": ""

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/summary_emails/{summary_email_id}.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
frequency array optional The frequency at which the emails are sent. An array that can include any value of “daily”, “weekly”, or “monthly”. If present, only the frequencies listed in the call will be subscribed to, other frequencies will be unsubscribed from. If omitted, the update parameters will apply to the current summary email frequencies.
config object required An object that contains further configuration for the specified companies summary emails. This object has keys for at least one of summary_statistics, top_sources, top_keywords, and call_log, with boolean values set to true or false.
filters object optional Lead status can be one of ‘Lead’, ‘Not a Lead’, ‘Not Scored’, or ‘All’.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this summary email record.
scope object A short representation of the scope (either Company or Account) for which this email is configured.
frequency string The frequency at which the emails are sent. An array that can include any value of “daily”, “weekly”, or “monthly”.
config object An object that indicates which sections are included in this summary email. Keys are boolean switches for summary_statistics, top_sources, top_keywords, and call_log.
user object A short representation of the user referenced by user_id.
email string Email address for the email-only user configured to receive these summary emails.

Delete a Summary Email Subscription

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint will remove the specified summary email, which unsubscribes the user from future deliveries.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/summary_emails/{summary_email_id}.json


When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.

If the authorized user tries to unsubscribe from a summary email that they don’t have permission to access, the server will return code 403 Forbidden with the following error message:

{ "error" => "You do not have permission to perform the requested action" }

Text Messages

Please note that compliance rules around text messaging go into effect in the fall of 2023. All businesses using numbers for outbound text messaging are required to register their business. To register, click here to fill out the initial registration form.

Check out our Text Message Complaince Registration support article to learn more and find links to additional resources.

Listing All Conversations

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object that includes a paginated list of all text message conversations for a given account.

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 3,
  "total_records": 312,
  "conversations": [
      "id": "KZaGR",
      "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "initial_tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "current_tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f5f",
      "customer_name": "MANN KEVIN",
      "customer_phone_number": "+14042223333",
      "initial_tracking_number": "+14045556677",
      "current_tracking_number": "+17703334455",
      "last_message_at": "2016-07-28T19:26:43.578Z",
      "state": "active",
      "company_time_zone": "America/New_York",
      "formatted_customer_phone_number": "404-222-3333",
      "formatted_initial_tracking_number": "404-555-6677",
      "formatted_current_tracking_number": "770-333-4455",
      "formatted_customer_name": "Mann Kevin",
      "recent_messages": [
          "direction": "outgoing",
          "content": "Awww! But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!",
          "created_at": "2016-07-28T19:28:21.578Z"
          "direction": "incoming",
          "content": "Take these two over to the garage, will you?  I want them cleaned up before dinner.",
          "created_at": "2016-07-28T19:26:43.578Z"
      "id": "KZaGY",
      "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "initial_tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "current_tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "customer_name": "POWELL ANDY",
      "customer_phone_number": "+14042223333",
      "initial_tracking_number": "+14045556677",
      "current_tracking_number": "+17703334455",
      "last_message_at": "2016-07-28T19:26:43.578Z",
      "state": "active",
      "company_time_zone": "America/New_York",
      "formatted_customer_phone_number": "404-222-3333",
      "formatted_initial_tracking_number": "404-555-6677",
      "formatted_current_tracking_number": "770-333-4455",
      "formatted_customer_name": "Powell Andy",
      "recent_messages": [
          "direction": "outgoing",
          "content": "It’s not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they’re not much bigger than two meters.",
          "created_at": "2016-07-28T19:28:21.578Z"
          "direction": "incoming",
          "content": "That's impossible, even for a computer!",
          "created_at": "2016-07-28T19:26:43.578Z"

Conversations are ordered by their most recent message and the newest conversations are returned first. Conversation objects include the two most recent messages.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/text-messages.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination, Filtering, Searching and Field Selection

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional Limit response to conversations belonging to a single company.

Filtering is available for the following:

Searching is available for the following fields:

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique alphanumeric identifier for the text conversation.
company_id string An ID indicating which company the message belongs to.
initial_tracker_id string Unique identifier for the tracking number used to start the conversation.
current_tracker_id string Unique identifier for the tracking number used most recently in the conversation.
customer_name string The customer’s name
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
initial_tracking_number string The tracking phone number used to start the conversation (in E.164 format).
current_tracking_number string The tracking phone number used in the most recent conversation (in E.164 format).
last_message_at string The date and time the text was received or sent in UTC, in ISO 8601 format.
state string Whether or not the conversation is active or archived in CallRail. One of “active” or “archived”.
company_time_zone string The timezone of the company associated with the conversation.
formatted_customer_phone_number string The phone number of the customer, formatted for display.
formatted_initial_tracking_number string The initial_tracking_number formatted for display.
formatted_current_tracking_number string The current_tracking_number formatted for display.
formatted_customer_name string The name or the customer, formatted for display.
recent_messages array JSON array containing up to two previous text messages in the current conversation (fields described below.)
Message Fields
Name Type Description
direction string The direction of the text message sent to or received from the customer. One of “incoming” or “outgoing”.
content string The content body of the text message.
created_at string The date and time the text was created in UTC, in ISO 8601 format.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
lead_status string The current lead status for the text conversation. One of previously_marked_good_lead, or null.
source string The marketing source that led to the text conversation.

Retrieving A Single Text Conversation

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a single paginated JSON conversation object.

    "id": "KkMhr",
    "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "initial_tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "current_tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "customer_name": "MANN KEVIN",
    "customer_phone_number": "+14042223333",
    "initial_tracking_number": "+14045556677",
    "current_tracking_number": "+17703334455",
    "last_message_at": "2016-07-28T19:26:43.578Z",
    "state": "active",
    "company_time_zone": "America/New_York",
    "formatted_customer_phone_number": "404-222-3333",
    "formatted_initial_tracking_number": "404-555-6677",
    "formatted_current_tracking_number": "770-333-4455",
    "formatted_customer_name": "Mann Kevin",
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 100,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "total_records": 2,
    "messages": [
        "id": 23456,
        "content": "These aren't the droids you're looking for.",
        "created_at": "2016-07-28T19:28:21.578Z",
        "status": null,
        "direction": "incoming",
        "user": {
          "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
          "name": "Bob Smith"

This endpoint retrieves a text message conversation. Text messages in the conversation are ordered by the most recent message first.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/text-messages/{conversation_id}.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Field Selection

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique alphanumeric identifier for the text conversation.
company_id string An ID indicating which company the message belongs to.
initial_tracker_id string Unique identifier for the tracking number used to start the conversation.
current_tracker_id string Unique identifier for the tracking number used most recently in the conversation.
customer_name string The customer’s name.
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
initial_tracking_number string The tracking phone number used to start the conversation (in E.164 format).
current_tracking_number string The tracking phone number used in the most recent conversation (in E.164 format).
last_message_at string The date and time the text was received or sent in UTC, in ISO 8601 format.
state string Whether or not the conversation is active or archived in CallRail. One of “active” or “archived”.
company_time_zone string The timezone of the company associated with the conversation.
formatted_customer_phone_number string The phone number of the customer, formatted for display.
formatted_initial_tracking_number string The initial_tracking_number formatted for display.
formatted_current_tracking_number string The current_tracking_number formatted for display.
formatted_customer_name string The name of the customer, formatted for display.
page number Specific page number of the paginated messages in this conversation.
per_page number Total number of messages per page.
total_pages number Total number of paginated messages returned in each page.
total_records number Total number of messages returned in the conversation.
messages string JSON array of text messages returned by the query (fields described in table below).
Message Fields
Name Type Description
id number Unique identifier for a specific text.
content string The content body of the text message.
created_at string The date and time the text was created in UTC, in ISO 8601 format.
status string For outgoing messages, whether the message was successfully sent (sent), or failed to be delivered (failed). For incoming messages, this field will be null. One of “sent” or “error”
direction string The direction of the text message sent to or received from the customer. One of “incoming” or “outgoing”.
user resource The CallRail user who sent the text message
number The ID of the CallRail user who sent the text message.
string The name of the CallRail user who sent the text message.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
lead_status string The current lead status for the text conversation. One of previously_marked_good_lead, or null.
source string The marketing source that led to the text conversation.

Send a Text Message

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "customer_phone_number": "+14044442233",
          "tracking_number": "+17703334455",
          "content": "These are not the droids you are looking for.",
          "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f"
         }' \

This endpoint creates a SMS text message in the target company.

Please note that compliance rules around text messaging go into effect in the fall of 2023. All businesses using numbers for outbound text messaging are required to register their business. To register, click here to fill out the initial registration form.

Check out our Text Message Complaince Registration support article to learn more and find links to additional resources.

You are required to identify who you are and use at least one approved keyword to inform the recipient they can end communication at any time. The first time you text a lead, we will automatically include opt-out instructions if none were included in the message. Approved examples: STOP, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, QUIT, or END.

The above command creates a single outbound text message that can be part of an existing conversation or the start of a new conversation. The response is a JSON structured object containing message details, and may include the two most recent messages for an existing conversation.

  "id": "FyzZ6",
  "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "initial_tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "current_tracker_id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662d4d",
  "customer_name": "MANN KEVIN",
  "customer_phone_number": "+14044442233",
  "initial_tracking_number": "+14045556677",
  "current_tracking_number": "+17703334455",
  "last_message_at": null,
  "state": "archived",
  "company_time_zone": "America/New_York",
  "formatted_customer_phone_number": "404-444-2233",
  "formatted_initial_tracking_number": "404-555-6677",
  "formatted_current_tracking_number": "770-333-4455",
  "formatted_customer_name": "Mann Kevin",
  "recent_messages": [
      "direction": "outgoing",
      "content": "These are not the droids you are looking for.",
      "created_at": "2016-10-12T11:57:57.337-04:00"

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/text-messages.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string required An ID indicating which company the message belongs to.
tracking_number integer required Tracking phone number used to send this message to the customer. Must be a valid 10 digit US or Canadian number. Note: tracking_number is optional if there is an existing conversation with the customer_phone_number specified in the request.
customer_phone_number string required The customer’s phone number this message will be delivered to. Must be a valid 10 digit US or Canadian number.
content string required Message body being sent to the customer. This string must be limited to 140 characters.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id string Unique alphanumeric identifier for the text conversation.
company_id string An ID indicating which company the message belongs to.
initial_tracker_id string Unique identifier for the tracking number used to start the conversation.
current_tracker_id string Unique identifier for the tracking number used in the most recent conversation. If null, initial_tracker_id is the current tracker_id used in the conversation.
customer_name string The customer’s name.
customer_phone_number string The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format).
initial_tracking_number string The tracking phone number used to start the conversation (in E.164 format).
current_tracking_number string The tracking phone number used in the most recent conversation (in E.164 format).
last_message_at string The date and time the text was received or sent in UTC, in ISO 8601 format.
state string Whether or not the conversation is active or archived in CallRail.
company_time_zone string The timezone of the company associated with the conversation.
formatted_customer_phone_number string The phone number of the customer, formatted for display.
formatted_initial_tracking_number string The initial_tracking_number formatted for display.
formatted_current_tracking_number string The current_tracking_number formatted for display.
formatted_customer_name string The name or the customer, formatted for display.
recent_messages array JSON array containing up to two previous text messages in the current conversation (fields described below.)
Message Fields
Name Type Description
direction string The direction of the text message sent to or received from the customer. One of “incoming” or “outgoing”.
content string The content body of the text message.
created_at string The date and time the text was created in UTC, in ISO 8601 format.


Trackers are phone numbers that can be used to route phone calls to a business. CallRail provides two different types of trackers.

Source trackers associate a single tracking number to a certain set of customers based on how they found the number. For example, a single source tracker might be used to identify website visitors who came from, or all visitors who found your site from a paid Google search. Or it may attribute to an offline source such as a billboard or TV advertisement. When used online, a single source tracking phone number may be shown to multiple visitors simultaneously, and as such cannot be used to capture full session details for individual visitors.

Session trackers serve one number from a pool of tracking numbers to website visitors, allowing you to associate calls to individual visitors, the keywords they searched for before arriving via search engine, and their browsing history on your site.

Listing All Trackers

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 250,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 3,
  "trackers": [
      "id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "My Billboard",
      "type": "source",
      "status": "active",
      "destination_number": "+15553104554",
      "tracking_numbers": ["+14045559999"],
      "whisper_message": null,
      "sms_enabled": false,
      "sms_supported": true,
      "company": {
        "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "name": "Bob's Auto Shop"
      "call_flow": {
        "type": "basic",
        "recording_enabled": true,
        "destination_number": "+15553104554",
        "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
      "source": {
        "type": "search",
        "search_engine": "google",
        "search_type": "organic"
      "created_at": "2011-07-05T19:06:10Z",
      "disabled_at": null
      "id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "Widget Shop",
      "type": "session",
      "status": "active",
      "destination_number": "+15553104554",
      "tracking_numbers": ["+14045551111","+14045552222", "+14045553333", "+14045554444"],
      "whisper_message": "Call from [source].",
      "sms_enabled": true,
      "sms_supported": true,
      "company": {
        "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
        "name": "Bob's Auto Shop"
      "call_flow": {
        "type": "basic",
        "recording_enabled": true,
        "destination_number": "+15553104554",
        "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
      "source": {
        "google": ["paid", "organic"],
        "bing": ["paid", "organic"],
        "yahoo": ["paid", "organic"]
      "created_at": "2011-07-05T19:06:10Z",
      "disabled_at": null

This endpoint returns a paginated array of all companies associated with the target account.

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/trackers.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offest Pagination, Field Selection, Sorting, Filtering, and Searching.

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional Limit response to trackers belonging to a single company.

Sorting is available for the following fields:

Filtering is available for the following:

Searching is available for the following fields:

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this Tracker.
name string Descriptive Name for this Tracker.
type string Type of tracker. One of “source” or “session”.
destination_number string The destination phone number that rings when calls are placed to a tracker.
status string Current status of the tracker. Returns “active” or “disabled”.
tracking_numbers array List of tracking phone numbers for this Tracker.
whisper_message string A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message. If the whisper message contains [source], it will whisper the detected source of the caller.
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not this tracker is configured to send and receive text messages. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
sms_supported boolean Indicates whether or not this tracker can support text messages. (i.e., whether or not sms_enabled could be set to true)
company object Basic information on which company owns this Tracker.
call_flow object An object describing how calls are routed for this Tracker.
source object An object describing the source of the calls that this tracker will handle.
created_at string The date and time the Tracker was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string If the tracker has been disabled, this will be the date and time at which it was disabled (UTC, ISO 8601 format). If the tracker is still enabled, this value will be null.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
campaign_name string If set, the campaign name assigned to your source tracking number in CallRail. The campaign name is associated with all calls to that tracking number and can be used as a filtering option for that number in the call log and in your reports.
swap_targets array A list of telephone numbers configured to dynamically replace with a tracking number. See Swap Targets.

Retrieving a Single Tracker

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "name": "My Billboard",
  "type": "source",
  "status": "active",
  "destination_number": "+15553104554",
  "tracking_numbers": ["+14045554444"],
  "whisper_message": "Call from [source].",
  "sms_enabled": true,
  "sms_supported": true,
  "company": {
    "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "name": "Bob's Auto Shop"
  "call_flow": {
    "type": "basic",
    "recording_enabled": true,
    "destination_number": "+15553104554",
    "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
  "source": {
    "type": "search",
    "search_engine": "google",
    "search_type": "organic"
  "created_at": "2011-07-05T19:06:10Z",
  "disabled_at": null

This endpoint returns a single tracker object associated with the target account.

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/trackers/{tracker_id}.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Field Selection.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id sring Unique identifier for this Tracker.
name string Descriptive Name for this Tracker.
type string Type of tracker. One of “source” or “session”.
destination_number string The destination phone number that rings when calls are placed to a tracker.
status string Current status of the tracker. Returns “active” or “disabled”.
tracking_numbers array List of tracking phone numbers for this Tracker.
whisper_message string A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message. If the whisper message contains [source], it will whisper the detected source of the caller.
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not this tracker is configured to send and receive text messages. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
sms_supported boolean Indicates whether or not this tracker can support text messages. (i.e., whether or not sms_enabled could be set to true)
company object Basic information on which company owns this Tracker.
call_flow object An object describing how calls are routed for this Tracker.
source object An object describing the source of the calls that this tracker will handle.
created_at string The date and time the Tracker was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string If the tracker has been disabled, this will be the date and time at which it was disabled (UTC, ISO 8601 format). If the tracker is still enabled, this value will be null.

Additional User Requested Response Fields

Field Selection is available for the following fields.

Name Type Description
campaign_name string If set, the campaign name assigned to your source tracking number in CallRail. The campaign name is associated with all calls to that tracking number and can be used as a filtering option for that number in the call log and in your reports.
swap_targets array A list of telephone numbers configured to dynamically replace with a tracking number. See Swap Targets.

Creating a Session Tracker

curl  -H "Authorization: Token token=\"{api_token}\"" \
      -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "type": "session",
            "name": "Website Call Tracker",
            "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
            "swap_targets": ["7704761456", "7705551234"],
            "whisper_message": "Call from [source]",
            "sms_enabled": true,
            "pool_size": 10,
            "call_flow": {
              "type": "basic",
              "recording_enabled": true,
              "destination_number": "+15553104554",
              "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
            "pool_numbers": {
              "area_code": "555",
              "local": "+15553104554"
            "source": {
              "google": ["paid", "organic"],
              "bing": ["paid", "organic"],
              "yahoo": ["paid", "organic"]
          }' \

This endpoint creates a session tracker within the target company. See the Terminology section for more info about session trackers.

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "name": "Website Call Tracker",
  "type": "session",
  "status": "active",
  "destination_number": "+15553104554",
  "tracking_numbers": ["+14045551111","+14045552222", "+14045553333", "+14045554444"],
  "whisper_message": "Call from [source]",
  "sms_supported": true,
  "sms_enabled": true,  
  "company": {
    "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "name": "Bob's Auto Shop"
  "call_flow": {
    "type": "basic",
    "recording_enabled": true,
    "destination_number": "+15553104554",
    "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
  "source": {
    "google": ["paid", "organic"],
    "bing": ["paid", "organic"],
    "yahoo": ["paid", "organic"]
  "created_at": "2011-07-05T19:06:10Z",
  "disabled_at": null

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/trackers.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
name string required Name of the tracker.
type string required Type of tracker to create. Use “session” to create a session tracker.
company_id string required An ID indicating which company the tracker belongs to.
call_flow object required An object describing what happens to the customer’s call. See Configuring Call Flows.
pool_size number required How many phone numbers to allocate to this tracker. Must be between 4 and 50.
pool_numbers object required An object describing constraints for provisioning tracking phone numbers. See Requesting a Number.
source string or object required An object describing which visitors will be served this tracker. See Session Tracker Call Sources.
swap_targets array optional The telephone number(s) to target for replacement on your website. When this Tracker applies, this number will be replaced with a tracking phone number. No formatting is required, as the script will search for all possible formats. If no swap targets are provided, the destination number will be used.
whisper_message string optional A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message.
If the whisper message contains [source], it will whisper the name of the tracker.
sms_enabled boolean optional Allows text messages to be sent and received by this tracker. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this Tracker.
name string Descriptive Name for this Tracker.
type string Type of tracker. One of “source” or “session”.
status string Current status of the tracker. Returns “active” or “disabled”.
destination_number string The destination phone number that rings when calls are placed to a tracker.
tracking_numbers array List of tracking phone numbers for this Tracker.
whisper_message string A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message.
sms_supported boolean Indicates whether or not this tracker can support text messages. (i.e., whether or not sms_enabled could be set to true)
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not this tracker is configured to send and receive text messages. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
company object Basic information on which company owns this Tracker.
call_flow object An object describing how calls are routed for this Tracker.
source object An object describing the source of the calls that this tracker will handle.
created_at string The date and time the Tracker was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string If the tracker has been disabled, this will be the date and time at which it was disabled (UTC, ISO 8601 format). If the tracker is still enabled, this value will be null.

Creating a Source Tracker

curl  -H "Authorization: Token token=\"{api_token}\"" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -X POST
      -d '{
            "name": "My Billboard",
            "company_id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
            "call_flow": {
              "type": "basic",
              "recording_enabled": false,
              "destination_number": "+15553104554",
              "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
            "tracking_number": {
              "area_code": "555",
              "local": "+15553104554"
            "sms_enabled": true,
            "source": {
              "type": "search",
              "search_engine": "google",
              "search_type": "organic"
            "type": "source",
            "swap_targets": ["7704761456", "7705551234"],
            "whisper_message": "Call from My Billboard",
            "campaign_name": "Summer billboard campaign"
          }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "name": "My Billboard",
  "type": "source",
  "status": "active",
  "destination_number": "+15553104554",
  "tracking_numbers": ["+14045554444"],
  "whisper_message": "Call from My Billboard",
  "sms_supported": true,
  "sms_enabled": true,
  "company": {
    "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "name": "Bob's Auto Shop"
  "call_flow": {
    "type": "basic",
    "recording_enabled": true,
    "destination_number": "+15553104554",
    "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
  "source": {
    "type": "search",
    "search_engine": "google",
    "search_type": "organic"
  "created_at": "2011-07-05T19:06:10Z",
  "disabled_at": null

This endpoint creates a source tracker in the target company. See the Terminology section for more info about source trackers.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/trackers.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
name string required A descriptive name for this tracker.
type string required Type of tracker to create. Use “source” to create a source tracker.
company_id string required An ID indicating which company the tracker belongs to.
call_flow object required An object describing what happens to the customer’s call. See Configuring Call Flow.
tracking_number object required An object describing what constraints the tracking phone number should have. See Requesting a Number.
source object required An object describing how the visitor will be routed to this tracker. See Source Tracker Call Sources.
campaign_name string optional A campaign name for this tracker.
sms_enabled boolean optional Allows text messages to be sent and received by this tracker. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
swap_targets array optional The telephone number(s) to target for replacement on your website. When this Tracker applies, this number will be replaced with a tracking phone number. No formatting is required, as the script will search for all possible formats. If no swap targets are provided, the destination number will be used.
whisper_message string optional A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message.
campaign_name string optional The Campaign Name for this tracker. This can only be set for source trackers.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 201 Created.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this Tracker.
name string Descriptive Name for this Tracker.
type string Type of tracker. One of “source” or “session”.
status string Current status of the tracker. Returns “active” or “disabled”.
destination_number string The destination phone number that rings when calls are placed to a tracker.
tracking_numbers array List of tracking phone numbers for this Tracker.
whisper_message string A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message.
sms_supported boolean Indicates whether or not this tracker can support text messages. (i.e., whether or not sms_enabled could be set to true)
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not this tracker is configured to send and receive text messages. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
company object Basic information on which company owns this Tracker.
call_flow object An object describing how calls are routed for this Tracker.
source object An object describing the source of the calls that this tracker will handle.
created_at string The date and time the Tracker was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string If the tracker has been disabled, this will be the date and time at which it was disabled (UTC, ISO 8601 format). If the tracker is still enabled, this value will be null.

Updating a Session Tracker

curl  -H "Authorization: Token token=\"{api_token}\"" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -X PUT
      -d '{
            "name": "My Website Tracker",
            "swap_targets": ["7704761456", "7705551234"],
            "whisper_message": "Call from [source]",
            "pool_size": 4,
            "sms_enabled": true,
            "call_flow": {
              "type": "basic",
              "recording_enabled": true,
              "destination_number": "+14044554321",
              "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
            "source": {
              "google": ["paid", "organic"],
              "bing": ["paid", "local"]
            "replace_tracking_number": "+14044556789"
          }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "name": "My Website Tracker",
  "type": "session",
  "status": "active",
  "destination_number": "+14044554321",
  "tracking_numbers": ["+14045551111", "+14045552222", "+14045553333", "+14045554444"],
  "whisper_message": "Call from [source]",
  "sms_supported": true,
  "sms_enabled": true,
  "company": {
    "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "name": "Bob's Auto Shop"
  "call_flow": {
    "type": "basic",
    "recording_enabled": true,
    "destination_number": "+14044554321",
    "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance"
  "source": {
    "google": ["paid", "organic"],
    "bing": ["paid", "local"]
  "created_at": "2011-07-05T19:06:10Z",
  "disabled_at": null

This endpoint updates an existing session tracker within the target company. See the Terminology section for more info about session trackers.

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/trackers/{tracker_id}.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
name string optional Name of the tracker.
pool_size number optional The count of phone numbers to allocate to this pool. To prevent unexpected loss of live phone numbers, this size can only be increased.
*Numbers may not be available immediately after updating pool size.
whisper_message string optional A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message. If the whisper message contains [source], it will whisper the detected source of the caller.
swap_targets array optional The telephone number(s) to target for replacement on your website. When this Tracker applies, this number will be replaced with a tracking phone number. No formatting is required, as the script will search for all possible formats. If no swap targets are provided, the destination number will be used.
call_flow object optional An object describing what happens to the customer’s call. See Configuring Call Flows.
source string or object optional An object describing which visitors will be served this tracker. See Configuring Call Sources.
sms_enabled boolean optional Allows text messages to be sent and received by this tracker. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
replace_tracking_number string optional A single number in the website pool that should be replaced due to a high number of wrong-number, robodialer, or spam calls. Must be a number in the pool, in e164 format. Each number you replace will be automatically replaced with the same type of tracking number within the same area code. For more information, please see our support article.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this Tracker.
name string Descriptive Name for this Tracker.
type string Type of tracker is “session”.
status string Current status of the tracker. Returns “active” or “disabled”.
destination_number string The destination phone number that rings when calls are placed to a tracker.
tracking_numbers array List of tracking phone numbers for this Tracker.
whisper_message string A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message.
sms_supported boolean Indicates whether or not this tracker can support text messages. (i.e., whether or not sms_enabled could be set to true)
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not this tracker is configured to send and receive text messages. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
company object Basic information on which company owns this Tracker.
call_flow object An object describing how calls are routed for this Tracker.
source object An object describing the source of the calls that this tracker will handle.
created_at string The date and time the Tracker was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string If the tracker has been disabled, this will be the date and time at which it was disabled (UTC, ISO 8601 format). If the tracker is still enabled, this value will be null.

Updating a Source Tracker

curl  -H "Authorization: Token token=\"{api_token}\"" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -X PUT
      -d '{
            "call_flow": {
              "type": "basic",
              "recording_enabled": false,
            "source": {
              "type": "search",
              "search_engine": "google",
              "search_type": "organic"
            "sms_enabled": true,
            "swap_targets": ["7705551234", "7705554567"],
            "whisper_message": "",
            "replace_tracking_number": "+14044556789",
            "campaign_name": "Summer billboard campaign"
          }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "id": "TRK8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "name": "My Billboard",
  "type": "source",
  "status": "active",
  "destination_number": "+15553104554",
  "tracking_numbers": ["+14045551114"],
  "whisper_message": null,
  "sms_supported": true,
  "sms_enabled": true,
  "company": {
    "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
    "name": "Bob's Auto Shop"
  "call_flow": {
    "type": "basic",
    "recording_enabled": false,
    "destination_number": "+15553104554",
    "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance",
    "greeting_recording_url": null
  "source": {
    "type": "search",
    "search_engine": "google",
    "search_type": "organic"
  "created_at": "2011-07-05T19:06:10Z",
  "disabled_at": null

This endpoint updates an existing source tracker within the target company. See the Terminology section for more info about source trackers.

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/trackers/{tracker_id}.json

Request Body

Name Type Required? Description
name string optional Name of the tracker.
whisper_message string optional A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message. If the whisper message contains [source], it will whisper the detected source of the caller.
swap_targets array optional The telephone number(s) to target for replacement on your website. When this Tracker applies, this number will be replaced with a tracking phone number. No formatting is required, as the script will search for all possible formats. If no swap targets are provided, the destination number will be used.
sms_enabled boolean optional Allows text messages to be sent and received by this tracker. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
call_flow object optional An object describing what happens to the customer’s call. See Configuring Call Flows.
source object optional An object describing which visitors will be served this tracker. See Source Tracker Call Sources.
replace_tracking_number string optional To be used if the the tracking number associated with the source tracker must be replaced due to a high number of wrong-number, robodialer, or spam calls. Must be in e164 format. Each number you replace will be automatically replaced with the same type of tracking number within the same area code. For more information, please see our support article.
campaign_name string optional The Campaign Name for this tracker. This can only be set for source trackers.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for this Tracker.
name string Descriptive Name for this Tracker.
type string Type of tracker is “source”.
status string Current status of the tracker. Returns “active” or “disabled”.
destination_number string The destination phone number that rings when calls are placed to a tracker.
tracking_numbers array List of tracking phone numbers for this Tracker.
whisper_message string A ‘Whisper Message’ is a short message that plays to the call recipient before the call is connected. The caller does not hear this message.
sms_supported boolean Indicates whether or not this tracker can support text messages. (i.e., whether or not sms_enabled could be set to true)
sms_enabled boolean Whether or not this tracker is configured to send and receive text messages. This setting is currently only supported for local phone numbers in the US and Canada.
company object Basic information on which company owns this Tracker.
call_flow object An object describing how calls are routed for this Tracker.
source object An object describing the source of the calls that this tracker will handle.
created_at string The date and time the Tracker was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
disabled_at string If the tracker has been disabled, this will be the date and time at which it was disabled (UTC, ISO 8601 format). If the tracker is still enabled, this value will be null.

Disabling a Tracker

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint disables an Tracker object in the target company.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/trackers/{tracker_id}.json


When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.

If the Tracker is used as an Outbound Number for form submissions, a 400 error with the following response will be returned.

{ error: 'You must select a different number for outbound Form Submission calls before disabling this tracker.' }

Requesting a Number

When creating a Source or Session Tracker, you are given the opportunity to request what kind of phone number(s) you would like to use for the tracker.

At least one parameter must be provided to obtain number(s).

The options you can provide are as follows:

Name Type Description
area_code string The phone number should be located in the provided area code.
local string The phone number should be “local” to another phone number (for example, your main business number).
toll_free boolean If true, the phone number should be toll free.


  "local": "+14045558769"

Request a phone number local to a given business phone number.

This is the most common use case for local numbers. CallRail will attempt to obtain a phone number in the same area code as the provided number. If no inventory is available in that area code, the search will fall back to other local area codes when available.

  "area_code": "404",
  "local": "+14045558769"

Request a phone number local to a given business phone number, but require in the 404 area code.

A number in the same area code is required in this example. If no inventory is available in 404, the Tracker will not be created and an error will be returned.

  "area_code": "303"

Request any phone number in the 303 area code.

  "toll_free": true

Request a toll free number in any area code.

This is the most common use case for toll free numbers. This may be an 888, 877, 866, or 855 number. CallRail will prefer area codes in that order.

  "area_code": "888",
  "toll_free": true

Request a toll free number in the 888 area code.

A number in the 888 area code is required in this example. If no 888 numbers are available, the Tracker will not be created and an error will be returned.

Configuring Call Flows

Call Flows are analogous to traditional telephone interactive voice response (IVR) systems. Call Flows allow for custom prompts and dynamic call routing to take place on a per call basis. At this time, only touch tone responses via the caller’s phone keypad are able to interact with a Call Flow.

The Call Flow Object describes what happens to an incoming phone call to a tracking number. This can involve multiple steps before ultimately routing a call to the destination number or voicemail.

API Representation

A distinction is made between a “basic” call flow and an “advanced” call flow. A basic call flow may play either a text or recorded greeting before routing the call to the destination number. An advanced call flow may have multiple steps including menus, time of day based routing, voicemail, or more.

At this time, you can create new Basic Call Flow Objects or assign existing Advanced Call Flow Objects when when creating or updating a Source Tracker or Session Tracker via the API. When assigning an existing Advanced Call Flow to a Tracker, you must reference its UUID, which can be retrieved through the CallRail application interface. After opening the desired call flow, you can retrieve the UUID in the page URL. You will find the UUID after the call-flow/ portion of the URL.

Advanced Call Flow Objects can only be configured or updated through the CallRail application interface. However, when retrieving Trackers with Advanced Call Flows the format described below will be used.

Basic Call Flow Object

/* no greeting */
  "type": "basic",
  "recording_enabled": false,
  "destination_number": "+15558675309",
  "greeting_text": null,
  "greeting_recording_url": null

/* recorded greeting */
  "type": "basic",
  "recording_enabled": true,
  "destination_number": "+15558675309",
  "greeting_text": null,
  "greeting_recording_url": ""

/* text greeting */
  "type": "basic",
  "recording_enabled": true,
  "destination_number": "+15558675309",
  "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance",
  "greeting_recording_url": null

/* text greeting (will default to text greeting only) */
  "type": "basic",
  "recording_enabled": true,
  "destination_number": "+15558675309",
  "greeting_text": "This call will be recorded for quality assurance",
  "greeting_recording_url": ""

Advanced Call Flow Object - Existing

/* Use an existing Advanced Call Flow with ID 4d28a8d3-0137-4c9f-9c1f-a5505cef0674*/

  "type": "advanced",
  "uuid": "4d28a8d3-0137-4c9f-9c1f-a5505cef0674"

Advanced Call Flow Objects can only be configured or updated through the CallRail application interface. However, you can assign existing Advanced Call Flows to your new and existing tracking numbers via the API.

When assigning an existing Advanced Call Flow to a Tracker, you must reference its UUID, which can be retrieved through the CallRail application interface. After opening the desired call flow, you can retrieve the UUID in the page URL. You will find the UUID after the call-flow/ portion of the URL.

Advanced Call Flow Object - New

/* route to voicemail or dial a number based on a menu */

  "type": "advanced",
  "recording_enabled": false,
  "initial_step_id": "CRS8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "steps": [
      "destination_number": "+15551234567",
      "timeout": 60,
      "timeout_step_id": null,
      "id": 344126405,
      "type": "dial"
      "prompt_type": "text",
      "prompt_recording_id": null,
      "prompt_text": "Thank you for your support call. Please leave a message.",
      "transcribe": false,
      "id": 250778404,
      "type": "voicemail"
      "prompt_type": "text",
      "prompt_recording_id": null,
      "prompt_text": "Press 1 for Sales, press 2 for Support.",
      "menu_options": [
          "key": "1",
          "description": "Forward to Sales",
          "next_step_id": 344126405
          "key": "2",
          "description": "Forward to Support",
          "next_step_id": 250778404
      "id": 210884509,
      "type": "menu"

The format for more advanced call flows is necessarily more complex:

Session Tracker Call Sources

The Call Source object describes the type of website visitor that will be tracked by a Session Tracker, and therefore see numbers from the pool.

// Track all website visitors, regardless of source
"source": "all"

// Note that the API will return a structured object
"source": {
  "type": "all"

Tracking All Visitors

To track all website visitors regardless of source, specify the string "all" in place of the object. This is the most common usage scenario.

// To track only visitors from Google Ads:
"source": {
  "google": ["paid"]

// To track all PPC visitors:
"source": {
  "google": [ "paid" ],
  "yahoo": [ "paid" ],
  "bing": [ "paid" ]

// To track Google Ads visitors and visitors with
// specific landing page parameters:
"source": {
  "google": [ "paid" ],
  "landing": [ "facebook_landing", "email_landing" ]

// To track all visitors except direct visitors and
// those coming from organic search results:
"source": {
  "inverted": true,
  "type": "direct",
  "google": [ "organic" ],
  "yahoo": [ "organic" ],
  "bing": [ "organic" ]

Advanced Session Tracking Options

Session Trackers can also be used to only track visitors from specific search engines, or based on other attributes from the referring URL or landing page. To configure using this option, pass a JSON object with any of the keys described below.

Name Type Description
type string Specify “direct” to include direct visitors.
google array An array of types of Google Search to be handled by this tracker. Possible values are “paid” and “organic”.
bing array An array of types of Bing Search to be handled by this tracker. Possible values are “paid” and “organic”.
yahoo array An array of types of Yahoo Search to be handled by this tracker. Possible values are “paid” and “organic”.
landing array An array of values to look for in the landing page URL. These values are used for simple string matching and can match path names, file names, URL parameter names, and URL parameter values.
referrer array An array of values to look for in the referring page. These values are used for simple string matching and are most commonly used as a list of domain names to match.
inverted boolean Set to true to invert the matching rules. Default is false. When set as true, visitors not matching the previously defined rules will see a tracking number from this Session Tracker pool.

Source Tracker Call Sources

The Call Source object describes the type of website visitor who will see this tracking number. (Source Trackers can alternatively be configured as “offline” trackers for use in offline media such as billboards or TV ads.) Depending on the source type configured, different fields may be present in the Call Source object.

All Call Source objects will have the following:

Name Type Description
type string Indicates the traffic source assigned for this tracking number. One of “all”, “landing_url”, “landing_params”, “offline”, “web_referrer”, “direct”, “search”, “google_ad_extension”, “mobile_ad_extension”, or “google_my_business”.
// Show this number to all website visitors
"source": {
  "type": "all"

All Visitors

A value of "all" indicates that all online traffic will see the number associated with this tracker. There are no other fields in the object.

Note that this can also be used as a catch-all setting. If any other Source Tracker or Session Tracker would match a given visitor, that number will take precedence over this configuration.

// Show this number to any visitor who first lands on ""
"source": {
  "type": "landing_url"
  "landing": ""

Landing URL

A value of "landing_url" indicates that online visitors who first land on a specific webpage will be shown the tracking number. The tracking number will persist for the visitor even as they navigate to other pages on the site.

Name Type Description
type string “landing_url”
landing string The landing page URL that will trigger this number to be served.
Example “”
// Show this number to any visitor who first lands on a page with
// "promo=1" in the URL parameters
"source": {
  "type": "landing_params"
  "landing": "promo=1"

Landing Parameters

A value of "landing_params" indicates that online visitors who first land on a page with the specified query parameters will be served the tracking number. The tracking number will persist for the visitor as they navigate to other pages on the site, even without the landing parameter present.

Name Type Description
type string “landing_params”
landing string The query parameters that will trigger this number to be served.
Example “promo=1”
// Never swap this number on the website. This number is reserved for
// offline use, or non-webpage online use.
"source": {
  "type": "offline"


A value of "offline" means that this Source Tracker is associated with an offline campaign such as a TV or Print advertisement. The tracking phone number will not be served to any web traffic.

// Show this number to any visitor who arrives with a referrer matching "".
"source": {
  "type": "web_referrer"
  "referrer": ""

Web Referrer

A value of "web_referrer" indicates that this phone number will be served when a visitor arrives from a specific referring website.

Name Type Description
type string “web_referrer”
referrer string The referring website that will trigger this number to be served.
Example “”
// Show this number to any visitor who visits the site directly.
"source": {
  "type": "direct"


A value of "direct" indicates that this tracking number will be served to web visitors who visit the page directly, without being referred from another site.

// Show this number to all Google Ads visitors
"source": {
  "type": "search",
  "search_engine": "google",
  "search_type": "paid"

// Show this number to all PPC visitors
"source": {
  "type": "search",
  "search_engine": "all",
  "search_type": "paid"

// Show this number to visitors from Google search
"source": {
  "type": "search",
  "search_engine": "google",
  "search_type": "all"

A value of "search" indicates that this number should be served to visitors who arrived on the page from a given search engine and search type.

Name Type Description
type string “search”
search_engine string The name of the search engine. One of “google”, “yahoo”, “bing”, or “all”.
Example: “google”
search_type string The type of search traffic. One of “paid”, “organic”, or “all”.
Example: “paid”
// Show this number in a Google Ads Call Extension for campaigns
// targeting desktop and mobile devices.
"source": {
  "type": "google_ad_extension"

// Show this number in a Google Ads Call Extension for call-only campaigns
// or campaigns targeting mobile devices.
"source": {
  "type": "mobile_ad_extension"

A value of "google_ad_extension" means that this number will be shown in a Google Ads Call Extension for campaigns targeting desktop and mobile devices. This number must be added to the Call Extension in Google Ads.

Mobile Ad Extension

A value of “mobile_ad_extension" means that this number will be shown in a Google Ads Call Extension for call-only campaigns or campaigns targeting mobile devices. This number must be added to the Call Extension or Call-Only Ad in Google Ads.

Google My Business

A value of “google_my_business" means that this number will be shown in a Google My Business listing. These numbers should be added to the Google My Business listing manually, or using the Google My Business integration. For more information, please refer to our support documentation.


A user represents a specific person with access to your account who can view and interact with your call data. Users are identified by an email address, and have an assigned role that controls the privileges they have within your account.

User Roles

Administrators have complete access to every company in your account. They can add companies, users, and tracking numbers. They also have access to all configurations, including creating call flows, adding call tags, company customizations, and billing and invoice information. These users are identified by the role admin.

Managers can manage numbers, forms, and integrations within their companies. They’ll also have the same permissions as Reporting users as outlined below. These users are identified by the role manager.

Reporting users can view calls, text messages, and reports about the data associated with their companies. They can make notes on calls, listen to recorded calls, and tag and score calls. They’ll also have the same notification configuration options as the users outlined below. These users cannot create or modify tracking numbers or other settings. These users are identified by the role reporting.

Please note that only Administrators can create new users, delete users, and perform limited updates to other users. Managers and Reporting users cannot create, delete, or update users other than making updates to their own user profile information.

Listing All Users

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 100,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 3,
  "users": [
      "email": "",
      "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "created_at": "2011-04-06T16:38:27.505-04:00",
      "role": "admin",
      "first_name": "Kevin",
      "last_name": "Mann",
      "name": "Kevin Mann",
      "companies": [
           "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
           "name": "Widget Shop"
           "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662e4e",
           "name": "Bob's Burgers"
           "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662z4z",
           "name": "Mos Eisley Cantina"
      "email": "",
      "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662e4e",
      "created_at": "2011-06-09T14:12:57.842-04:00",
      "role": "admin",
      "first_name": "Andy",
      "last_name": "Powell",
      "name": "Andy Powell",
      "companies": [
                "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
                "name": "Widget Shop"
                "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662e4e",
                "name": "Bob's Burgers"
                "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662z4z",
                "name": "Mos Eisley Cantina"
      "email": "",
      "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662z4z",
      "created_at": "2013-08-10T11:18:00.001-04:00",
      "role": "admin",
      "first_name": "Elliott",
      "last_name": "Wood",
      "name": "Elliott Wood",
      "companies": [
                "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
                "name": "Widget Shop"
                "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662e4e",
                "name": "Bob's Burgers"
                "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662z4z",
                "name": "Mos Eisley Cantina"

This endpoint returns a paginated array of users within the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/users.json

Request Parameters

This endpoint supports Offset Pagination, Sorting, and Searching.

Name Type Required? Description
company_id string optional Limit response to users belonging to a single company.

Sorting is available for the following fields:

Searching is available for the following fields:

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
email string The email address associated with this user.
id string Unique identifier for the user.
created_at string The date and time the user was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
role string The user’s permission within this CallRail account. One of “admin”, “reporting”, or “manager”.
first_name string The user’s first name.
last_name string The user’s last name.
name string Full name of the user formatted for display.
accepted boolean true if the user has accepted their invitation.
companies object A list of the companies the user has access to, including the id and name.

Retrieving a Single User

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X GET \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "email": "",
  "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "created_at": "2011-04-06T16:38:27.505-04:00",
  "role": "admin",
  "first_name": "Kevin",
  "last_name": "Mann",
  "name": "Kevin Mann",
  "companies": [
      "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "Widget Shop"
      "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662e4e",
      "name": "Bob's Burgers"
      "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662z4z",
      "name": "Mos Eisley Cantina"

This endpoint returns a single user object in the target account.

API Endpoint

Method URL
GET /v3/a/{account_id}/users/{user_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
email string The email address associated with this user.
id string Unique identifier for the user.
created_at string The date and time the user was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
role string Whether or not the user is active or disabled.
first_name string The user’s first name.
last_name string The user’s last name.
name string Full name of the user formatted for display.
companies object A list of the companies the user has access to, including the id and name.

Creating a User

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "first_name": "Bob",
          "last_name": "Belcher",
          "email": "",
          "role": "reporting",
          "companies": [252993629, 189409482]
        }' \

The above command returns a JSON structured object like this:

  "email": "",
  "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "created_at": "2017-01-13T13:01:17.320-05:00",
  "role": "reporting",
  "first_name": "Bob",
  "last_name": "Belcher",
  "name": "Bob Belcher",
  "companies": [
      "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "Widget Shop 2"
      "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "Widget Shop"

This endpoint creates a single user object in the target account. When the user is created, an email will be sent to them with a prompt to set their password.

Please note that only tokens belonging to administrators can be used to create users in this endpoint. Tokens owned by managers and reporting are not able to be used to create new users.

API Endpoint

Method URL
POST /v3/a/{account_id}/users.json

Request Body

The request body below is standard for all Users.

Name Type Required? Description
first_name string required The user’s first name.
last_name string required The user’s last name.
email string required The email address the user will use to log in to CallRail and receive call or text message notifications.
role string required What level of access the user should have to your CallRail Account or Companies. One of “admin”, “reporting”, or “manager”.

Manager, Reporting, and Notification

Name Type Required? Description
companies array required A list of company IDs that the user should be able to access.

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
email string The email address associated with this user.
id string Unique identifier for the User.
created_at string The date and time the user was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
role string The user’s permission within this CallRail account.
first_name number The user’s first name.
last_name string The user’s last name.
name string The full name of the user formatted for display.
companies JSON JSON array of all companies the user is associated with.

Updating a User

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
          "first_name": "Gene",
          "email": "",
          "current_password": "password1234" // Do not use this password //
        }' \

The above command returns JSON structured object like this:

  "email": "",
  "id": "USR8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
  "created_at": "2017-01-13T13:01:17.320-05:00",
  "role": "reporting",
  "first_name": "Gene",
  "last_name": "Belcher",
  "name": "Gene Belcher",
  "companies": [
      "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662f4f",
      "name": "Widget Shop 2"
      "id": "COM8154748ae6bd4e278a7cddd38a662e4e",
      "name": "Widget Shop"

This endpoint updates a single user object in the target account. Updates can only be made for users that have accepted their invitation. Only administrators can make updates to other user’s companies. first_name, last_name, and email can only be managed for the user associated with the API Key used in the request. API requests to manage other users’ names or email will result in an error.

Please note that passwords can no longer be managed via the API, regardless of the user making the request. Passwords can only be reset or changed in the app UI. Please refer to our support articles for instructions on how to change or reset your password.

API Endpoint

Method URL
PUT /v3/a/{account_id}/users/{user_id}.json

Request Body

The request body below is standard for all Users.

Name Type Required? Description
first_name string optional The user’s first name. Names can only be managed for the user associated with the API Key used in the request. API requests to manage other user’s names will result in an error.
last_name string optional The user’s last name. Names can only be managed for the user associated with the API Key used in the request. API requests to manage other user’s names will result in an error.
email string optional The email address the user will use to log in to CallRail and receive call or text message notifications. The user’s current_password must be provided in the request in order to update their email address. Email can only be managed for the user associated with the API Key used in the request. API requests to manage other user’s email will result in an error.
current_password string optional The password used to log in to CallRail. Passwords cannot be updated via the API - they can only be reset or changed in the app UI. Please refer to our support articles for instructions on how to change or reset your password.
companies array optional A list of company IDs that the user should be able to access. To remove a user from one or more companies, only include company IDs the user should be able to access. Account Administrator users have access to all companies in the account. Company access can only be managed for users with roles of manager, reporting, or notification. See User Roles

Response Field

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 200 OK.

Name Type Description
email string The email address associated with this user.
id string Unique identifier for the User.
created_at string The date and time the user was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format).
role string The user’s permission within this CallRail account; one of “admin”, “reporting”, or “manager”.
first_name number The user’s first name.
last_name string The user’s last name.
name string The full name of the user formatted for display.
companies JSON JSON array of all companies the user is associated with. Includes the company id and company name.

Deleting a User

curl -H "Authorization: Token token={api_token}" \
     -X DELETE \

The above command does not return any response data.

This endpoint deletes a user in the target account. Only Account Administrators can perform this action.

API Endpoint

Method URL
DELETE /v3/a/{account_id}/users/{user_id}.json

Response Fields

When successful, the HTTP response code will indicate 204 No Content and no JSON response will be returned.



Webhooks are notifications sent out by CallRail for certain events that happen in your account. They allow software developers to send real-time call notifications to web applications and reporting systems. These are most useful when you wish to be notified automatically when something happens, rather than having to poll the API.

Once webhooks is set up, it sends an HTTP POST request to a URL endpoint of your choice. There are four types of webhooks for calls:

Additionally, there are webhooks for Text Messages and Form Submissions.

You can create a webhook from inside your account. When doing so, you’ll specify the URL that should receive the data, as well as the events that trigger the webhook. You can also create and configure a webhook through CallRail’s API.

All attributes are available in the JSON POST body, which is the recommended format for any new development. A limited number of attributes are available in the query string because of the legacy version of our API. Currently, additions and updates are only made to the JSON POST body; therefore, we recommend parsing the JSON POST body and ignoring the query string parameters according to the currently-supported version of our API.


Your endpoint should respond with a HTTP status code of 2xx to indicate that the data was received properly. In general, a response status code other than 2xx indicates that the webhook was unable to complete the requested action.

When a non-2xx response is received, you may notice missing webhooks or calls on your end. CallRail does not resend webhooks, so missing calls might be your first indication of a problem. Repeated failed webhooks could result in an automated disabling of the webhook integration.

Common reasons for invalid response codes include errors in the receiving endpoint’s URL (typos or invalid URLs), as well as the receiving server not accepting URLs over a certain amount of characters.


Below are the events that are currently available to trigger a webhook.


The pre-call webhook executes the moment an inbound phone call is received by CallRail. Your server will receive the call information before the call is connected, allowing you to develop real-time systems for your representatives, such as screen-pops or CRM database lookups.

Because the pre-call webhook executes before the call is connected, it contains less information than the post-call webhook. For example, the post-call webhook will contain the call duration, whether the call was answered, and a link to the recording (if applicable).

This webhook sends the call object in the POST body, formatted as JSON as specified in the call endpoint. See Retrieving a Single Call for details. Additional fields are returned in the JSON and GET request line because of our Legacy API; however, we encourage users to build requests using the parameters outlined in this version of our API documentation for support purposes.

Call Routing Complete

The call routing complete webhook executes the moment an inbound phone call has been routed to its destination.

Because the call routing complete webhook executes before the call is completed, it contains less information than the post-call webhook. For example, the post-call webhook will contain the call duration, a link to the recording (if applicable), and tags and/or qualified status applied through keypad scoring.

The call routing complete webhook will contain more information than the pre-call webhook, and can be used to supplement information displayed to users handling a call while it is ongoing.

This webhook sends the call object in the POST body, formatted as JSON as specified in the call endpoint. See Retrieving a Single Call for details. Additional fields are returned in the JSON and GET request line because of our Legacy API; however, we encourage users to build requests using the parameters outlined in this version of our API documentation for support purposes.

Post-Call Webhook

The post-call webhook executes after an inbound phone call has completed and its recording and transcription have completed and attached. It contains the full data about the call.

This webhook should not be expected to be real-time, and has a maximum delay of 20 minutes after the hangup before it fires. The Post-Call Webhook will wait until recording, transcription, and call summaries (when applicable) have attached to the call before firing. This event has a maximum timeout of 20 minutes, at which time it will fire even if recording-related data is missing. Although this is a relatively rare occurrence, we recommend implementing the Call Modified webhook to avoid missing any recording, transcription, or call summary data.

This webhook sends the call object in the POST body, formatted as JSON as specified in the call endpoint. See Retrieving a Single Call for details. For legacy purposes some additional fields are returned in the JSON and in the GET request line, but new implementations are strongly encouraged not to rely upon parameters other than the ones currently documented.

Call Modified

Please note that the fields in the call modified webhook will already contain the modified information. The "changes" key will then contain an array of the fields modified.

  "note":"this is a note written after the call was completed",

Call modified webhooks are sent when a call has changed after it’s ended. For example, if you add a tag or a note to a call after the call has ended, you’d use a call modified webhook to retrieve the latest version of the call. This webhook also contains a field called changes that notes which fields changed (like “note”, ”recording”, ”tag”). Please note, this webhook also fires when a call has been marked as spam.

The Post-Call Webhook will wait until recording, transcription, and call summaries (when applicable) have attached to the call before firing. That event has a maximum timeout of 20 minutes, at which time it will fire even if recording-related data is missing. Although this is a relatively rare occurrence, we recommend implementing the Call Modified webhook to avoid missing any recording, transcription, or call summary data.

Call modified webhooks send the call object in the POST body, formatted as JSON as specified in the call endpoint. See Retrieving a Single Call for details. Additional fields are returned in the JSON and GET request line because of our Legacy API; however, we encourage users to build requests using the parameters outlined in this version of our API documentation for support purposes.

Key Description
changes An array of the changes to the call that triggered the call modified webhook appended to the end of the normal response fields. These fields include tags, note, value, transcription_text, call_summary, recording_duration, auto_score, and manual_score.

Outbound Post Call

Outbound post-call webhooks are sent after an outbound phone call has ended. The primary difference between Post Call Webhooks and Outbound Post Call Webhooks is that it is sent only after an outbound call has completed. As such, the call_type field will be set to "outbound".

This webhook sends the call object in the POST body, formatted as JSON as specified in the call endpoint. See Retrieving a Single Call for details. Additional fields are returned in the JSON and GET request line because of our Legacy API; however, we encourage users to build requests using the parameters outlined in this version of our API documentation for support purposes.

Outbound Call Modified

An outbound call modified webhook is sent when an outbound call has changed after it has ended. For example, if you add a tag or note to an outbound call, you’d use an outbound call modified webhook to retrieve the latest version of the call with the most recent information attached.

This webhook sends the call object in the POST body, formatted as JSON as specified in the call endpoint. See Retrieving a Single Call for details. For legacy purposes, some additional fields are returned in the JSON and in the GET request line, but new implementations are strongly encouraged not to rely upon parameters other than the ones currently documented.

Text Message Received

Text message webhooks are sent after a text message is received.

   "resource_id": "SCI0c14896tw1b64fb970ab62aaf4fbefd9",
   "content":"CallRail is the best! ",
   "lead_status": null,
   "conversation_id": "crpLH",
   "company_resource_id": "COM834847e9f4bb4f9h8ll29eb173fe658e",
   "person_resource_id": "PERb122rc301ec45f5yy021d4jj180c1a79"

Text message webhooks send after a text message is received by one of your tracking numbers. This webhook includes all information about the message, including the ID for the message, as well as the contents of the message.

Key Description
id Unique identifier for a specific text.
resource_id Unique alphanumeric identifier for the text message.
source_number The phone number that sent the text message.
destination_number The tracking number that was texted.
content The content of the text message.
timestamp Timestamp of when the text was received with Time Zone offset.
lead_status The current lead status of the text conversation, at the time of this this text message. One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null.
conversation_id Unique identifier for SMS conversation.
company_resource_id Unique identifier for the company associated with the text message.
person_resource_id Unique identifier for the person associated with the text message.

Text Message Sent

Text message webhooks sent after a text message is sent.

   "resource_id": "SCI0c14896tw1b64fb970ab62aaf4fbefd9",
   "agent":"Keith Rail",
   "content":"Well, that is good to know!",
   "lead_status": null,
   "conversation_id": "crpLH",
   "company_resource_id": "COM834847e9f4bb4f9h8ll29eb173fe658e",
   "person_resource_id": "PERb122rc301ec45f5yy021d4jj180c1a79"

Text message sent webhooks send after a text message is sent by one of your tracking numbers. This webhook includes all information about the message, including the ID for the message, as well as the contents of the message.

Key Description
id Also Unique identifier for a specific text.
resource_id Unique alphanumeric identifier for the text message.
agent Name of the user who sent the text message.
source_number The phone number that sent the text message.
destination_number The number that was texted.
content The content of the text message.
timestamp Timestamp of when the text was sent with Time Zone offset.
lead_status The current lead status of the text conversation, at the time of this this text message. One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null.
conversation_id Unique identifier for SMS conversation.
company_resource_id Unique identifier for the company associated with the text message.
person_resource_id Unique identifier for the person associated with the text message.

Form Submission

      "form_field1":"this is the message",
      "form_field3":"John Q. Customer"
  "source":"Google Organic",
  "keywords":"clinic hospital",
  "utm_campaign":"Google Organic"

Form Submission webhooks send whenever a form is submitted to your website. To retrieve this information, you should have Form Tracking active. This webhook sends information gathered from the form submission, including all recognized form fields.

Key Description
id Unique identifier for a specific form submission.
company_id Unique identifier of the company receiving the form submission.
form_data The contents of the form submission, broken down by form field.
form_url The url of the page from which the form was submitted.
landing_page_url The URL the visitor first landed on.
referrer The URL that referred the visitor to your website.
submitted_at Timestamp of when the form was submitted.
referring_url The referrer’s webpage.
first_form Boolean denoting whether or not this is the first form submitted by this visitor.
source The marketing source that led to the form submission.
keywords The keywords the visitor searched for. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources.
campaign The name of the campaign the form submission belongs to.
medium “PPC” or “Organic”.
utm_source utm_source as captured from the landing page parameter.
utm_medium utm_medium as captured from the landing page parameter.
utm_campaign utm_campaign as captured from the landing page parameter.

Convert Assist Complete

Convert Assist webhooks are sent after each interaction has finished processing Convert Assist AI answers.

  "person_resource_id": "PERb122rc301ec45f5yy021d4jj180c1a79",
  "last_interaction_resource_id": "CALc14896tw1b64fb970ab62aaf4fbefd9",
  "last_interaction_type": "Call",
  "answers": [
      "answer_key": "Action plan",
      "answer_text": "1. Confirm the reservation\n2. Send the confirmation email\n3. Follow up with the customer"
      "answer_key": "Smart follow-up",
      "answer_text": "Dear Bob, I wanted to follow up on our conversation. Please let me know if you have any questions."
      "answer_key": "Coaching",
      "answer_text": "Positive:\n 1. Confirmed the reservation\n 2. Sent the confirmation email\nNegative:\n 1. Did not follow up with the customer"
  "interaction_count": 5,
  "timestamp": "2024-10-23T16:00:53.286-04:00"

CallRail’s Convert Assist product leverages our artificial intelligence technology to lower response times and improve lead-to-sale conversion. With Convert Assist, users get next steps, follow-up messaging, and coaching on every lead with a recorded call in CallRail. Content for Convert Assist is generated automatically after the call is completed and can be accessed within moments after the call is ended. Visit our support article to learn more.

Key Description
person_resource_id Unique identifier for the person associated with the interaction.
last_interaction_resource_id Unique identifier for the last interaction.
last_interaction_type Type of the last interaction (e.g., text, call).
answers The AI generated answers for each of the Convert Assist prompts.
interaction_count The number of interactions processed.
timestamp Timestamp of when the interaction was processed Time Zone offset.


For security reasons, you may want to ensure that requests received by your server are sent by CallRail. CallRail includes a Signature header to verify that the request your server has received is valid.

Validating Payloads

If you’re using Ruby, generating the signature to validate the request would look something like this:

  hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1'), YOUR_COMPANY_SIGNING_KEY, request_payload)
  signature = Base64.strict_encode64(hmac)

To test your signature computation, use the JSON request body below with a test signing key of 072e77e426f92738a72fe23c4d1953b4. Your computation should return a signature of UZAHbUdfm3GqL7qzilGozGzWV64=

{"answered":false,"business_phone_number":"","call_type":"voicemail","company_id":155920786,"company_name":"Boost Marketing","company_time_zone":"America/Los_Angeles","created_at":"2018-02-19T13:41:00.252-05:00","customer_city":"Rochester","customer_country":"US","customer_name":"Kaylah Mills","customer_phone_number":"+12148654559","customer_state":"PA","device_type":"","direction":"inbound","duration":"13","first_call":false,"formatted_call_type":"Voicemail","formatted_customer_location":"Rochester, PA","formatted_business_phone_number":"","formatted_customer_name":"Kaylah Mills","prior_calls":16,"formatted_customer_name_or_phone_number":"Kaylah Mills","formatted_customer_phone_number":"214-865-4559","formatted_duration":"13s","formatted_tracking_phone_number":"404-555-8514","formatted_tracking_source":"Google Paid","formatted_value":"--","good_lead_call_id":715587840,"good_lead_call_time":"2016-06-17T10:23:33.363-04:00","id":766970532,"lead_status":"previously_marked_good_lead","note":"","recording":"","recording_duration":8,"source_name":"Google AdWords","start_time":"2018-02-19T13:41:00.236-05:00","tags":[],"total_calls":17,"tracking_phone_number":"+14045558514","transcription":"","value":"","voicemail":true,"tracker_id":354024023,"keywords":"","medium":"","referring_url":"","landing_page_url":"","last_requested_url":"","referrer_domain":"","conversational_transcript":"","utm_source":"google","utm_medium":"cpc","utm_term":"","utm_content":"","utm_campaign":"Google AdWords","utma":"","utmb":"","utmc":"","utmv":"","utmz":"","ga":"","gclid":"","integration_data":[{"integration":"Webhooks","data":null}],"keywords_spotted":"","recording_player":"","speaker_percent":"","call_highlights":[],"callercity":"Rochester","callercountry":"US","callername":"Kaylah Mills","callernum":"+12148654559","callerstate":"PA","callsource":"google_paid","campaign":"","custom":"","datetime":"2018-02-19 18:41:00","destinationnum":"","ip":"","kissmetrics_id":"","landingpage":"","referrer":"","referrermedium":"","score":1,"tag":"","trackingnum":"+14045558514","timestamp":"2018-02-19T13:41:00.236-05:00"}

CallRail generates a secret, random token for every company that can be viewed on the Webhooks configuration page inside the application. The token is used with the request payload to generate a hash signature that is passed as a request header in the webhook request. You can use the secret token on your server to recompute the same hash based on the request payload. If your computed signature matches the header that CallRail sends, the request is valid!

The CallRail signature is computed with an HMAC digest of the content of the request. Each webhook request will include a timestamp field based on the data in the request that you can compare to the current time to prevent an unauthorized system from replaying requests.


Getting Started

While most users will not need to do anything beyond installing swap.js on their website, CallRail’s Dynamic Number Insertion script provides a set of options and methods which might be useful to those with advanced use cases.

Dynamic Number Insertion

    <!-- the following phone number will be replaced -->
    <a href="tel:+15551231234">Call me at 555-123-1234</a>
  <div data-calltrk-noswap>
    <!-- content inside this element will not be affected -->
    <a href="tel:+15551231234">..</a>

HTML Markup

By default, swap.js replaces any phone numbers on your page that match a configured swap target. If part of a page should not be processed for phone numbers, you can tell swap.js to ignore it by adding a data-calltrk-noswap attribute. When this attribute is present, swap.js will ignore any content inside of that element or it’s children.

This is useful if you wish to show the original number on part of the page, or to improve performance given a page with large sections that do not contain any phone numbers.

/* If this function is called after the page has initially loaded,
 * swap.js have already swapped the numbers and will not know to
 * process the new element. */
function addCallLink() {
  var callLink = document.createElement('div');
  callLink.innerHTML = 'Call us now at 555-123-1234';

  /* At this point, the element is in the DOM and on the page, but the
   * original swap target phone number is being displayed.
   * We can invoke CallTrk.swap() manually to attempt a swap.
   * For performance reasons we can instruct swap.js to only look at
   * the modified element, but if the parameter is omitted the entire
   * page will be re-scanned. */

/* This example uses getSwapNumbers to manually perform number swapping.
 * This method may be required if your site is a single-page application
 * and DOM content is managed by a templating engine. */
function addCallLink() {
  CallTrk.getSwapNumbers(['5551231234'], function(result) {
    var callLink = document.createElement('div');
    /* Use the result to fill in the tracking phone number ourselves.
     * Note that you'll likely want to reformat this number to
     * an expected display format for your locale. */
    callLink.innerHTML = "Call us now at " + result['5551231234'];

Javascript API

This function causes swap.js to re-scan the DOM and attempt to swap phone numbers again. The parameter is optional. If the parameter is omitted, processing starts at document.body.

If a DOM node is provided as the parameter, the scope will be limited to that node and its children.

If a CSS selector is provided as the parameter, any matching nodes and their children will be searched. Note that swap.js does not depend on jQuery, and therefore the selector is used via document.querySelectorAll(). This is a native Javascript function, and may not support everything supported by jQuery selectors. Behavior may also vary across browsers.

This function provides access to the swap settings for the current page. It is provided for situations in which the Dynamic Number Insertion needs to be performed manually. One common use case is within single-page applications, where a templating engine controls the DOM and would otherwise replace numbers swapped by normal swap.js operations.

This method accepts an array of phone numbers (formatted as 10-digit numbers with no separators), and provides a callback mechanism to swap numbers. Numbers provided as a parameter are appended to a list of numbers already found on the page. The swap mechanism is asynchronous, since a request to CallRail servers may be required to obtain tracking phone numbers in some cases.

The callback function is supplied with one parameter, which is an object with keys representing swap targets and values representing the tracking number to be displayed in its place. Your callback function should handle number insertion or replacement, including any desired formatting.

Note that getSwapNumbers immediately returns the current list of known swap replacements, which may or may not include replacements for all queried numbers. Since numbers may load asynchronously, it is strongly recommended that you use the callback mechanism rather than relying on the return value of this function.

Also note that if no suitable replacements are found, some values from the queried number list may not have a corresponding value in the result provided to your callback function. This can happen if you provide an unknown swap target in the numbers array, but can also happen if your keyword pool is temporarily exhausted.

Form Submission

  <!-- this form will not be captured -->
  <form action="/search" method="get" data-cr-no-capture>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Search...">
    <input type="submit">

  <form action="/request-quote" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="Email">
    <textarea name="Comments"></textarea>
    <!-- this form will be captured,
         but the captcha will be excluded. -->
    <input type="text" name="captcha" data-cr-no-capture>
    <input type="submit">

HTML Markup

When Form Submission is configured, swap.js will capture all forms submitted on a page and submit them to CallRail.

If there are forms you don’t wish to be included, you can mark them with a data-cr-no-capture attribute.

Additionally, you can mark specific <input> tags inside a form with this attribute to prevent it from being submitted along with the rest of the form.

CallTrk.captureForm('#contact-form', function() {
  alert('thank you for your submission!'); 

/* or with a form element directly: */
var form = document.querySelector('#contact-form');

CallTrk.captureForm(form, function() {
  alert('thank you for your submission!');

Javascript API

CallRail’s Form Submission functionality works automatically for a wide variety of forms; however, sometimes it may be necessary to manually trigger form submissions.

Given a DOM <form> Node or a document.querySelector() String that resolves to a <form>, report the form contents to CallRail, and then trigger the given callback.


Grapher - Ruby on Rails

Grapher is intended for anyone who wants to see an example of how to consume CallRail’s API. This example source code includes explanitory comments and a detailed Readme. Code can be found here.